Ultimate Pose Master for Genesis 9 (Commercial)

V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105
edited September 2023 in Daz PA Commercial Products

Ultimate Pose Master for Genesis 9 is the new version, for Genesis 9, of Ultimate Pose Master (which was dedicated to Genesis 3, 8 and 8.1). Sorry for the long text but there are a lot of actions which can be done with it, and I even don't mention them all here. Available here : https://www.daz3d.com/ultimate-pose-master-for-genesis-9

For the ones who already know Ultimate Pose Master, the Genesis 9 works the same way, with some enhancements : (1) it now launches must faster after the first load, so that it is now interesting to swap between scene view and pose master interface – as a counterpart the initial pose is not stored, but a menu option allows you to do so. (2) it now launches by default in “super-fast” mode: the convergence is fast, but not precise. Several buttons are included to change in 1 click the precision of the convergence (other methods remain available). I made other small changes I won't detail here.

For the ones who don’t know Pose Master, there should be several video on the store page introducing various things which can be done with it, but if you have questions, you can ask them here. Even if these videos were made for the previous generations, the principle for Genesis 9 will remain the same, with only minor differences. But basically it is a pose tool coming with "super pins" you can move, but their use is optional and in this case it becomes a global and synthetic pose interface.

As usually you can use the Pose Master in two modes : Connected (default/advanced) and Disconnected (basic). You can switch from one mode to the other using a single easy to access button. I won’t be able to say here everything you can do with this tool, since it would be too long to read, but you’ll discover it by yourself, or you can as here if you have questions.

- In the “disconnected” mode, you will access an “global pose interface” where all the dials of all the bones (almost – pectorals for instance are not included) are gathered and organized in a single interface with tabs corresponding to the different body areas (arms/hands, legs/feet, trunk/hip/figure, head/neck/eyes), with additional useful tabs. A centralized controls of all bones of your figure with a synthetic overview.

- In the “connected” mode, the hands nodes origins and feet nodes origins are locked to scene object called “helpers”. (Each of them can be individually disconnected). The interface allows you to move these helpers, then the hands and feet will follow the movement of these helpers, altering only the arms and legs bones. This was the basic helpers action. Now the helpers can also maintain the hand(s)/foot(feet) origins in place as you change the arm or leg bones rotation in the interface. This means for the hand for instance that you can first move your hand where you want (with the helper) and then adjust the arm pose keeping this in place. You can even keep an absolute hand (foot) rotation in space - within bones rotations limits. Said briefly, helpers could be seen as super pins which can be moved where you want.

- Several speed vs precision settings are available, knowing that when you reach a pose you like in a fast and unprecise setting, you simply have to click on the "precise" mode and trigger any dial which will trigger a new convergence operation to reach a super precise result (that's only two clicks).

- For each major body area (figure, hip, pelvis), you can define, when you change their pose – for instance you translate your figure higher -, if the hands and feet will stay on the helpers (calculating a new arms and legs pose), or if the helpers will follow the hands and feet (which will keep their current pose relatively to the body).

- You can also move the helpers when the interface is closed, and once you launch it, you can easily and automatically place the hand(s) and foot (feet) you want on its helper simply by clicking on a “+” or a “-“ of any corresponding leg or arm dial. On the contrary, the script will automatically propose you to place the helpers on there corresponding hand/foot if you prefer. You decide what you do.

- In the neck/head part, you have the option of an automatic eye posing to watch the object of your choice (in the direction of the object as if it was infinitely far). The eye axis visible in the viewport (but not in renders) allows you to check if the head and neck rotation must be changed so that the eyes can look in this direction.

- At the bottom of the interface you find “view dials” allowing you to rotate and zoom your perspective view relatively to an object (which in general will be the head, a hand, the figure..) and to choose your aimed object, without leaving the interface since, as it is the case for all scripts, you cannot use the viewport tools as long as the interface is opened.

- You will at any time (hideable) preview the eye axis, showing the direction of the eyes (right eye).

- You can (optional) preview a vertical axis going through the center of mass of your figure, allowing you to check if the pose is well balanced or not, with the possibility to adjust the different weight of the various body parts (if a figure has huge arms and small legs for instance).

- Tons of additional options are available via dropdown menus and in the full “general” tab.

This thread is here for any feedbac, questions, remarks you might have. It is super well documented by paper and video documentation, it is pretty easy and intuitive to use, then long description comes from the so many options you have (but the defaut options are perfect for all beginners), but feel free to contact me or to use this thread.

A few images. I won't show them all here (I still don't manage to upload correctly on the forum).

Ultimate-Pose-Master-For-Genesis-9-Main Ultimate-Pose-Master-For-Genesis-9-Popup-01 Ultimate-Pose-Master-For-Genesis-9-Popup-08 Ultimate-Pose-Master-For-Genesis-9-Popup-10 Ultimate-Pose-Master-For-Genesis-9-Popup-12 Ultimate-Pose-Master-For-Genesis-9-Popup-19

Post edited by V3Digitimes on


  • AnEye4ArtAnEye4Art Posts: 761
    edited September 2023
    I'm looking forward to this. Will there be a discount for owners of the Gen 8 version?
    Post edited by AnEye4Art on
  • No it was not planned this way (it was planned in a bundle but it was not possible and this long story). Instead it is planned for the current festival so that the discount is higher than usually.
  • Cool.
  • I can't even begin to thank you enough for this!! I've been putting all things G9 on hold, but now you've opened a whole new world for me. I really hope this will be as great a source of revenue for you as it will be a critical creative resource for us! heart 

  • Thank you! I hope it will help you as much as for the previous generations!

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