Updated NVIDIA drivers and now...issues with rendering

I updated the drivers and now, even a quick spot render, not only takes forever but its graining as all heck.
Please note, the only change has been the drivers.
Nothing in the scene changed. The render settings didnt change. I had zero issue with the scene before. But now, a spot render of just a small area is now over 15 minutes rendering and still....not even remotely clear. (no, I do not use the NVIDIA preview. I use the texture preview. Then for small areas to check lighting, contact points etc, I do a small spot render)
Normally an entire hi-def, finished render doesnt take that long.
Also, loading things from the library now, is way slower.
Anyone else having issues?
Yes, I have saved>closed>open and tried again.
Yes, I double checked my settings.
Yes, I rebooted the puter.
What is the driver's version, 537.42 ? If you press Ctrl + 0, how long does it take to show the preview?
Sorry I hadnt realized this had gotten a reply.
Yes that is the driver version. I did finally get the piece to render fairly well.
But other issues have come with the driver update(there is nothing else that has changed on the puter)
Now, when I highlight an item(or select it in the drop down) I can no longer delete it by hitting the "delete" button. I have to select it>edit>delete
Certain materials are just not applying. At all. I can material select and item, I can go to the drop down>select>sufaces>make sure it is selected and try and apply and...nothing. It will kind of blink, but no settings change at all.(This is with material settings for specific items, The face chains from rendo are currently driving me nuts due to this, I have contacted the artist) but some are materials that should be able to be applied to anything and just no longer working. They did work before, now, they dont.
I seem to be having issues now with Genesis 8.1 pbr skins. The faces turn whiteish if I try to apply their given make up options.(Never had this before)
Generally it just feels sluggish and I am not sure why these issues would pop up with a driver update.
Sorry another weird issue. Poses. I am using poses for genesis 8 female, on a genesis 8 female character. When I try to apply poses, the legs or position changes, but not the upper body. I have tried several sets now, one of the pose sets, the body(still zero'ed out) turned on the rotation, but no limbs changed at all. The other set, the legs moved, but not the arms. Or the arms act really odd and go through the body.
These are pose sets I have used before without issue.
And it seems(as I am just using a hair today) that when I select my g8 female, load a g8 female hair...it doesnt "fit too". Nor does it actually sit on her head.
These issues are getting past annoying.
I have doubled checked that yes, it is a g8 hair
(Btw the hair is MRL dForce Curly Bun for Genesis 8 Female(s) and the figure is bog standard gen8 vicki, not 8.1)
Yes, the g8 figure is selected before loading.
I have tried to right click and "fit to" and it went wonky.
I have no idea what is going on, but it is making it very difficult to use DazStudio at all. Im trying to manually fix the hair and it is not working as even though it is not "fit to" it wont budge with the sliders or anything.
Logically, the vast bulk of this cannot be a driver issue. Whilst you say nothing else has changed, something obviously has. You're unaware of what has changed but something that is not driver related has changed; how would a graphics driver affect your pose files for example, or your hair fitting? It won't. You believe you only updated your drivers but that wouldn't cause the issues you face. Black screens, odd textures, GPU not recognised? Sure. Driver. Poses? Hair? Nope.
Why not roll back the driver to your earlier version? If all your problems disappear I'm completely wrong and you can ignore the rest of this!
If this were me facing this issue I'd reinstall Studio. Uninstall the existing version, clear down any residual files (especially in the AppData directories), wipe any registry entries and then reinstall. If you're using Smart Content and/or have custom menus/toolbars this could prove horribly inconvenient but I can assure you that one Nvidia driver update is not causing most of these issues. I doubt it's a hardware issue either.
I can't honestly say I know exactly what is causing your problems (and I can't find anything similar reported) so if it were me I would find only one option open. And it may not work leaving only the nuclear option of reinstalling the OS and all applications. That will work but it may be something problematic for you.
Left field suggestion - are there any keyboard modifiers that would cause that behaviour and do you have any sticking keys on the keyboard?
I've had weirdness with a sticky control key in the past, also with peripherals with nearly dead batteries.
Which tool is active? Which drop down is giving you an option to seelct surfaces? It sounds as if you may have the Geometry Editor active - that has a Select By sub-menu for right-click, which has nothing to do with applying Shader presets, and it would certainly stop dForce/strand-based hair from rendering or displaying the interpolated hairs.
Ok. The tower that DS is on is a dedicated tower. It literally only is used for graphic work. It has DS, it has Unreal and hexagon. (Which were installed last month so not recently)
So other than updating the drivers...nothing has changed on it.
So it cant be say, an issue with some odd software I may have installed.
Literally, it was working....updated drivers....now its screwy as heck. laggy, sluggish, cant delete when selecting the item and hitting delete(and yes btw, I have cleared caches, done a scan of the puter, did a "health check" etc)
It keeps making odd issues with poses, hair and certain clothing.
As for Keyboard issues. I did think of that, that perhaps a key has stuck or is sticking when the keyboard is used.(I do not use the keyboard for navigation in DS), So I switched out my mechanical keyboard to the puter that has DS on it. Thinking that if it was say a keysticking, this would fix it. No.
Last night, the thing locked up(not crashed with an error report) Just locked up. With one figure loaded....I have rendered multiple figures with no issue before.
Its about to drive me crazy.
Check and see if you have an update to DS in DIM, that is if you install with DIM. If not what version of DS are you running?
I never use the "NVIDIA preview" I always used the "Texture shaded" preview.
If I select the item with the "Node selection tool" I can not hit delete and it gets deleted I have to select>Edit>delete selected. If I use say "surface selection" Exact same thing. If I go to the parameter tab>select item> try to hit delete(which I have done before) Nothing happens. I have to still go to the Edit tab and delete it. There is no way for me to delete an item if I use the delete key.
Hairs are hit and miss at the moment as to which will behave and "fit to" as some just go wonky.
Poses the same thing, I had to not only double check in dazstudio, but go to the product page for one set of poses to make sure it was actually for g8 female. when I tried to apply it, it was acting almost as if it was for gen3(I have used the poses before and no issue) But wanted to triple check, yes, they were for gen 8 Female.
Im also having an issue it seems with the library. Due to the incredible sales last month, I...may have purchased a good amount. But things werent showing up. I had to search and half the time the full title of the item wouldnt locate it. It was not visible as a thumbnail. I would have to go and double check that it was on my purchase list and then try to locate it with one of the keywords from the title. (example of that was the morphing pantyhose, it would not locate that for nothing. The other was the cloth settings I finally bought, again, couldnt locate it till I searched for it)
As noted, I have changed out the keyboard. I have double checked settings. (Both in dazstudio and in the NVIDIA settings) I have ran a "health check" on the system. I have cleaned out files. I have defrag'ed. I have double checked items to make sure that yes, they are for the figure I am using. (though I pretty much 100% use gen 8).
I know other people are saying the new drivers for NVIDIA have made their DS sluggish, it defo did that. Its now like working with poser 4 back in early 2000s.
Latest release.
double checked that too.
The delete key sounds like a damaged UI file, which includes the keyboard shortcuts - if you go to Window>Workspace>Customise and find Edit>Deleted Selected Item(s) on the left is it showing the Delete key next to it, as the shortcut?
If you suspect a driver problem, wouldn't the right move be to reinstall the previously working driver, as TimberWolf suggested?
Yeah I updated to Studio Driver 517.40 and now it's sluggish as all heck. I'm just gonna roll back first and see if that fixes it.
My current NVDIA Studio Driver is 537.42 released on 21 Sep 2023.
My flatmate uses the Game Ready Driver on his computer which is not used for graphics and he had two updates before I received this one. Be sure you are on the Studio Driver version.
Edit to add: Nvdia just updated the Studio and Game Ready drives today. My Studio Driver is 537.58.
Ok I opened that and it says next to the delete selected item> there is nothing there.
I never touched this pane btw.
I have now made it for delete. THAT worked!
NOW....the bloody thing is doing black "spot renders". If I spot render more than two times, it goes black. Nothing.
I have to close everything and reopen. No, I do not use the NVIDIA pre-view. No, no other programs running. Only one visual pane open.
nothing massive loaded.
As for Drivers, I rolled things back. It didnt really help the sluggishness of the work flow. It didn't seem to help the spot render issue.
So I updated to the new graphic drivers and....its still like working in poser 4 back in the day.
Its so frustrating as I finally have a puter that can proper run the program and its like working 20 years ago
Aye, I have made sure it is the graphic drivers. But its maddening.
right, loaded ONE figure.
One primitive(with transmap and emission map)
One body suit.
Tried to do a spot render and it blinked and....nothing. The pointer still had the hourglass Icon but...nothing. It was allowing me to navigate to other tools, save file, etc. But the hourglass icon was still there.
Total confusion.
I closed it. Reopened it
Immediately tried to do a spot render, once more, blink...then nothing.
I open the log to see this...what does this mean?
2023-10-15 18:23:08.799 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(369): Iray [WARNING] - API:DATABASE :: 1.0 API db warn : Transaction is released without being committed or aborted. Automatically aborting.
2023-10-15 18:23:09.297 [INFO] :: Error during rendering"
(btw. that is the last line of the error. The rest is "loading..." and the textures. It then says that at the very end)
why is it being so buggy? How do I fix this??
Does it happen with a completely empty scene?
I havent tried it with an empty scene. That happens when I try to "spot render"
No...reply as to what that is? No fix? I still can not spot render -at all-
BTW I also contacted NVIDIA to get their take on the best settings for the program, I have altered those to their suggestion.
I...have zero clue how to fix this...But it seems this issue is going to be like that "eye product" Issue...NO FIXING NO SUPPORT.
I wasn't clear whether you said it was or wasn't happening in an empty scene.