Ultimate Pose Mixer Pro with Mega Pose Toolkit (Commercial)

V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105
edited September 2023 in Daz PA Commercial Products

find it here : https://www.daz3d.com/ultimate-pose-mixer-pro-with-mega-pose-toolkit

Ultimate Pose Mixer Pro with Mega Pose Toolkit, let’s call it Pose Mixer Pro in this page, is the widest set of tools I ever made to simplify the pose creation and modification process. As usually it must be installed either manually or with DIM. It is compatible with ANY figure you would work with, and it allows you to process partial areas of the body in many ways. These areas basically compatible with all generations of human figures (from victoria 4 to Genesis 9) are in general : full body, upper body, lower body, head and Neck, right or left : arm, leg, foot, hand, and finally any selection of bones, or selected bone and children (these two last option being one of the ways to process non-human figure).  The whole is very easy to use since the wide majority of the scripts come without interface (click and the result is here).

The actions you will natively find for these body areas are :

- lock/unlock bones which will allow you to :

  •  load any pose (and as many poses as you want) as a partial pose (only the unlocked bones are then posed)
  •  pose your figure manually more easily : locking the correct body areas and the hip translation allows you to prevent your figure from bending anyhow or moving anywhere while you pose it.
  •  combine additional locked body areas to most other “full or partial body” actions of the mega pose toolkit, listed just after. For instance you can in two clicks zero the right arm (using the zero right arm script), but not the right hand (if you applied “lock right hand” first).
  •  lock/unlock is the only “function” to come with an optional dedicated interface for people who want to work with interfaces.

- Process various actions on partial body areas mentioned above:

  •  zero, with an optional bake procedure (hold down shift to skip this procedure)
  •  mirror or swap, with specific trunk/hip/pelvis options. These mirror/swap actions ignore often the lock status that is why more specific script are included to take it into account.
  •  alter (random), amplify or attenuate (with a controllable amplitude and rotation protection - x, y, and/or z can be exclude from - the process choice by simply holding down specific keys).
  •  Save partial body areas: the partial save including more body areas than usually (both arms, both legs…). Default save options can be specified seperately in easily editable text files.

Additional general tools are included, which can be useful is specific cases of figures (3 bake utilities, one fast store, fast restore locked – or unlocked bones, selection tools, menu installation, toolbar visibility management).

It is very easy to work with all these scripts : all the scripts can be launched from your content in organized folders, OR from a well organized menu (optional), OR from hideable/showable toolbars (optional).

One of the important feature which is not “immediately” visible is that you can work more easily with other “non-human” figures now. For instance, you can in a few seconds say that the “left front paw” of your dog corresponds to your “left arm”. And ALL the “left arm” scripts you will launch will act on this “left front paw”. This is made in literally 3 clicks.

The second important feature is the possibility to create your own specific body areas, via lists automatically generated by a scripts, and to process any of the actions mentioned above on these lists. For instance, you can select a dragon wing (all children the bones using a ‘select all children’ script), launch the ‘add to list’ script, declare a “dragon wing” list. Then, at any time, you can launch the “process list” script to do any of the actions mentioned above (lock/unlock/zero/mirror-swap/alter-attenuate-amplify/save) on this specific body area.

For this who already use the basic version of the pose mixer, this basic pose mixer represents less than 20 percent of the Pose Mixer Pro version and include all the new actions and possibilities described above. I probably forgot a few things, but the main ideas are here.

here is a short intro video (since it is still very difficult to post images today).


As usually this is the right place for all your questions, remarks, issues, feedback you would have on this product ! You can also do it via MP if you prefer.

Post edited by V3Digitimes on


  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,337

    Wow, looks great - congrats on the release.


  • Thank you that's nice. I think this should be my "last" pose product so I wanted to make it the most complete possible!

  • Can't you sleep laugh It looks like another must-have.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,337

    Just wonder, what will be next.

    I miss retopology and UV mapping tools in Daz Studio.



  • Doctor Jellybean ! Don't worry I plan to sleep more now ! At least during a few weeks :)

    Artini : I had ideas fort he rest of the year, most of them 'almost finished'. Sadly, too similar products were released, forcing me to delay those projects for many months. So now, for the next weeks, I will focus on projects update, on "upgrading" myself (tutorials, trainings). Of course if a good idea pops up, I could do a final project in 2023 but for now, I really feel I need a break (updating products is good for that). Concerning retopology and UV tools, I am not 100% sure it can be made via scripts, I would rather see a pluggin for that... I don't know, this entered in my head now, not sure of what I'm gonna do whith this. Maybe something maybe nothing...

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,337

    Thanks for considering updates.

    Just watching the Grace and Frankie and at the beginning of the show, there are dancing figures on the cake.

    Will try to use Ultimate Pose Mixer Pro to make a similar poses.

    Just wonder, how to create some figurines, to have a look of these sugar/cake figures.


  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105
    edited October 2023

    Thanks, you'll let me know.

    For your figurines to look like on a wedding cake, remove shader maps, set translucency weight to 0, and set uniform color base color you want and adjust glossiness. If you own my "Snowball" product, I think I have some shader presets doing that (I don't exactly remember, and my back hurts too much for me to spend time on my computer to check). If you use Genesis 9 the issue will be that the lips don't exist, so setting a uniform shader on the face will remove these lips. In this case you can try to keep the color map, but do the rest (personally I would do this with an older generation since they have a lip surface).

    edit : no problem for the updates, anyway I needed a break for health reasons, plus it is totally normal to make regular updates when they really bring something.

    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,337

    Thank a lot for the tips.

    Get better and all the best for you.


  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105

    No problem and thanks a lot... Just twice I tweaked my back in a couple of weeks, and the second time is the worse one... let me tell you, it does not feel good getting older my friend!

  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105
    edited October 2023

    Hello guys. This is an answer I just made to a private message, and I wanted to share it here because it can be useful to everybody. It asked details about baking, how to lock only the fingers and not the hand, and how to zero expression (due to a bug I will solve in the next update, there is one additional script to launch). So here was my answer (with some extra words here).

    Bake is a procedure to be used only if your figure is using Pose Controls (these are these properties you can see in the parameters pane, under pose controls, when the figure is selected, and which act on several bones at the same time) AND mainly you want either to partially load a pose preset (but then another technics can be used). The bake procedures set the pose controls at 0 while keeping the exact pose you have. It is NOT recommended to bake in general with my product - except in a few specific cases - because the commercial pose sets are not supposed to use Pose Controls, but I had to include this if people needed that because they used themselves pose controls to build their pose. Any further clarification on pose controls baking, please dare to ask.

    If you just want to pose manually (yourself) your stuff safely, then you DON'T have to bake (*implicit : normally pose controls should not bother you during manual posing). Just (1) lock all rotations (first lock script), (2) unlock the body part you want to lock (unlock scripts), and (3) lock hip translation to prevent the figure from moving when you manually pose. You DON'T have to hold down the shift key for that. Each action corresponds to one of the lock/unlock scripts.

    For the two next examples each step (1), (2) or (3) corresponds to an included script.

    => For instance, if you want to lock the fingers and thumbs without locking the hand this is a two step process : (1) lock hand (this locks hand and fingers), (2) select the "Hand" node in the scene tab, and use the "unlock selected bones only" script (rather near the bottom of the unlock scripts).

    => If you want to zero an expression, you can (1) use Lock head and neck (this locks only these bones, not the face bones), then (2) zero head and neck Pose Controls, then (3) unlock all or only head and neck. Please note that it is presently not normal that the head and neck bones are zeroed when you use the zero head and neck Pose Controls, this is a bug you found and this will be fixed in the next update (after the next update you will just have to use zero head and neck pose controls script, which will ignore the head and neck "main" bones). If you want this step 2 to go faster, you can hold down the shift key as you launch this zero head and neck pose controls script (I might also change this in the update, this might be automatic here).

    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
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