OT: Rumored Nvidia RTX 50XX GB 202 specifications
Posts: 2,060
This article on the rumoured specifications of the next generation Nvidia RTX 50XX GB 202 GPU, are impressive if true and likely very expensive.
Post edited by Ghosty12 on
And until Nvidia makes an official statement, its all "chasing after the wind"
i just bought a 4080 so it will be at least 3-4 years before I buy another GPU.
Just ask yourself how well the rumoured specs on previous generations matched what was finally released.
It's never the right time to buy a new GPU because a new and better one is always just over the horizon.
Very true, no sooner do folks buy something new than it is already out of date. I am hanging off upgrading because of the new Intel CPU's due out soon.
Those rumoured specs are a good reason for me to go ahead and buy an RTX 4090.
Who is the namesake Blackwell? It's the first series I haven't already known, and after a little bit of digging, my best guess is David Blackwell.
I believe it is. Being deceased he is also unlikely to threaten legal action like Carl Sagan did to Apple when they used his name for an internal project.
He did? *gulp*
You are correct, I think. I am pretty sure in my statistics school book a couple of the lessons used one of his prior textbook's example references as reference examples.
The particular source behind this has a pretty solid track record of being right a lot more often than not. It is a bit early in the game, as things can change. I have no doubt that this is Nvidia's current plan, but plans can change depending on market conditions. However at this point in time they are pretty far along with their designs, and there is only so much that can change beyond this.
The max core counts would be well locked in at this point, but the actual core counts on the GPU itself can be well under that, like how the 4090 is cut down from the full AD102. The memory can also change, though they do not have a ton of wiggle room if they have designed for a specific bus size. The bus size determines the memory capacity options. If 512 is indeed what they use, then 32gb is logical.
There is logic behind the move. While gamers are not screaming about 24gb, everybody else is. Having 32gb in the 5090 would also mean the professional A Series would have 64gb, which would be a huge step up from 48gb. These cards have enough memory for some AI tasks, and as you guys well know, AI is a big focus. I see the 5090 as being marketed as a bridge between the professional and gaming. They have already done that, but I think the 5090 might get closer to being a light Titan than the 3090 and 4090. However, this GPU will be expensive. I would be surprised if it is less than $2000.
This would also make it probable that other GPUs down the stack finally receive the VRAM capacity bumps we have been wanting to see for so long. The 5080 might jump to 20 or 24gb, and the 5070 would step up to 16gb, and hopefully the 5060 would get 12gb.
Another potential big factor is that rumors speculate that AMD will not even produce a high end product next generation, which would leave Nvidia all by itself at the top. I personally think this would be near disastrous for AMD if they actually do that. This hole at the top could allow Nvidia to charge any price they want. Nvidia also wants to keep pushing AI, and while a $2000 gaming GPU sounds expensive, they can sell GPUs for $40,000+ right now for AI use. These chips are larger, the H100 is quite big. But any silicone that is used for gaming is silicone that could have gone to a $40,000 product. You do not need to do a lot of math here to consider what would make more sense to produce. I can't blame them, either, I mean I wouldn't turn down something that demands 10 times the value. If I had somebody offer me 10 times the normal commission rate, and it wasn't a sketchy con, hell yeah, I am going to take that gig over others. I would be stupid not to. And I am sure most, if not all, of you would do the same.
So with that in mind, Nvidia might come out and make this a Titan Blackwell instead of a 5090. By doing that they could ask a much higher price, like $2500 to $3000, as the Titan adds some extra features. If Nvidia does this, then that leaves room for a 5090 with the old 24gb capacity, instead of seeing the across the board VRAM increases we might get a repeat of VRAM capacities. So watch out for the name. If they call it a Titan or not could indicate how they play this out.
That is the situation we have right now with Nvidia. Gaming products have become secondary to other fields, and it has been that way for a long time. That is not speculation, just look at their financial reports. But today the gap has grown larger than ever. AI is what can change how the 5000 series shapes up. Nvidia might cut back more. Actually, I think Nvidia is already in progress on that, when you look at the 4000 series. Each tier on the 4000 series has been cut down more than any previous generation. I expect this to continue with the 5000 series, though the cuts will not be as drastic as the 4060 and 4060ti were (where the 4060ti sometimes gets beat by the 3060ti).
He did, then he sued for libel after they changed the name to butt head astronomer. I believe they eventually settled.
If events unfolded as you described, it doesn't sound like there was any basis for a libel suit, given that this was an internal codename and that "butt head astronomer" is not remotely actionable defamation.
I did some reading and had a nose at the original ruling, time line went-
Apple tell the press that Sagan is the codename for an upcoming computer.
Sagan publishes a letter saying he wouldn't allow his name to be used for commercial purposes and wasn't asked for permission or offered compensation.
Apple tell the press that the codename is now BHA which stands for butt head astronomer.
Sagan sues for libel, among other things, loses.
Sagan sues again for use of his name without permission, loses again and appeals.
Apple make a public apology and an undisclosed settlement.
Apple tell the press that the codename is now LAW, which stands for lawyers are wimps.