New Blender Hair System and Converters
Posts: 2,990
The API that everyone trying to convert hair has been waiting for has been merged.
YouTube keeps corrupting the video after ten seconds. I'll try to resolve this problem.
Edit: ChatGPT told me what I was doing wrong with ffmpeg, encoding the video. The whole video works, now.
Post edited by TheMysteryIsThePoint on
looks cool
I admit that I'm just getting my head around all the Geometry Nodes available for hair, but now that the necessary API has been merged to main, I think hair converters will be coming out of the woodwork soon and my money is on Diffeomorphic being the first :) SBH will be trivial to convert to Blender Hair Curves, now which is a win for everyone.
I can tell Thomas is already working hard to convert all the code to the 4 api, since it seems nothing works they changed everything. Sigh.
Thanks for the heads up... I haven't tried my exporters for a while. They're probably all broken as well :(
A big thanks to all the contributors (Thomas et al.). Blender 4 seems to be amazing, but with a lot of changes to the previous versions. I highly appreciate all the efforts you make.
Oh wow, that looks fantastic! The simulation looks so great. Whenever I try to simulate hair, nothing stays settled, everything is constantly moving every which way, I'm excited to try out this new addition!
Hi, I should point out that the hair sim was Houdini, not Blender... the new API is just so that we can import into Blender's new hair system from other software because I was lucky enough that the right Blender People attending SIGGRAPH this year. This is actually the exact same data from a sim I did a long time ago for the old particle hair system. I haven't even scratched the surface of what the new system can do with Geometry Nodes.
Oh, gotcha, thanks for letting me know that was from Houdini. I really need to look into that program as well, there's just only so much time in the day. I did find one guy's addon while searching for geonode hair simulation on google that apparently simulates hair. It was like five bucks, I'm probably going to pick that up and give it a whirl. But this is all so very exciting still at all the advancements I've been seeing.
Really?! Can you post a link, please? I would pay 5 bucks for that, if it works by any definition of the word "works" :) I just can't see something like that costing only five bucks.
Sure thing! Here it is:
I still haven't gotten and tried it out, so I'm not guaranteeing this will work at all, but when I looked at the video, it seemed to do the trick. If you try it out, please let me know your thoughts! And there's a couple of other videos on his channel as well as an update and for the other hair system he has that's a companion thing I guess.
Fixed the video. You can see more movement in the hair towards the end of the video. I think the hair is a bit too stiff, but I haven't gotten that good at Houdini yet in order to tweak it.
Sorry @benniewoodell Forgot to thank you for the link... I'm strying to use it in practice :)
If anyone has some knowledge with geonodes, or maybe just some free time, Xeofrios (link below) has a great setup that is 95% there. It converts the hair mesh to curves instantly. The only problem is that all of the longest edges in the mesh get converted. 1 or 2 edges per ribbon would be ideal, like maybe the outside edges for each hair ribbon to get converted. It probably needs only a few geonodes to improve. I just don't know enough about them. I'll learn eventually but wanted to put this out there in case someone already had the skills.
* to select the 'root' edge of the mesh hair: In Blender, open up two windows, one window is the 3d viewport, the other window is the uv editor. Select the hair mesh in the viewport and switch to edit mode. Toggle on the 'UV Sync Selection' in the top left of the UV window. Then select the top two/three/four edges in the UV window. All of the 'root' edges should then be selected in the viewport. Set mean crease to 1.
* Also, you don't have to read the article or watch the video. Download the geonode setup from the Gumroad page at the bottom of the article and it just works.
No problemo! Please let me know if it is worth it or not.
@Krys Kryngle Thanks for this tip! I didn't know about "UV Sync Selection"; what a powerful option...