An Urgent Bullatan!

Hello. My lightning-deals curator is offering me an excellent discount on the Bullatan HD Original Creature.  If you have one of these, I hope you can help me with some answers before I commit.

Does the creature have a tongue?  Can it adopt a "lapping up water" pose?  Does it have any facial morphs besides jaw and blink?  Can it snarl?  Can it howl?  Can it pant?  Can it gnash?

Any help is appreciated.  I have 2.5 hours to decide.  You're all the best.



  • felisfelis Posts: 4,693

    I don't have it.

    But based on this I will say it looks like it does not have a tongue.

    The included poses are listed on the product page, but you can pose it yourself.

  • The discount has expired, but I'm still interested in a confirmation, one way or the other.  Sometimes these discounts reappear.  Thanks.


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,620

    sadly I don't own it either so couldn't help

    no tongue morphs mentioned in readme or file list

    you could however add a tongue

    maybe that might poke it's way into a future lightning deal cheeky



  • Peter WadePeter Wade Posts: 1,642

    I have got the Bullatan and I can tell you that it hasn't got a tongue. It can blink or wink, it has 4 eyes and the eyelids can all be controlled seperatly. It can open it's mouth, move it's lower jaw sideways a bit and twist it a bit either way.but that's all the facial controls it has.

  • Thank you all.  Decision confirmed.  This lightning-deals addiction doesn't totally own me yet. wink


  • pwiecekpwiecek Posts: 1,582

    There are stand alone tougues.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,620

    Lick alone

  • Hello again.  Same situation, different creature.

    Now it's the basilisk in the lightning rotation, an interesting hexapod... reptile?  I see a tongue, and tongue motion names in the file list.  I also see blink and eyes wide file names, plus a goodly number of other morphs, but few that appear to influence expressions.  It appears able to bring its teeth together, but not in an actual closed mouth position.

    Can anyone with this original figure add more information regarding its expressiveness?  I do appreciate everyone's help.  2.5 hours to decide.  Thanks.


  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    If something you purchased doesn't work for your needs, it's very easy to return in and get a refund, so no harm in trying for yourself.

  • FSMCDesigns said:

    If something you purchased doesn't work for your needs, it's very easy to return in and get a refund, so no harm in trying for yourself.

    That's certainly true.  I'm just trying to save some time.  I watch the lightning products cycle while I work, and have accrued quite a backlog of still untested products that I'm confident are keepers.  Bassie's an unknown.  I don't need her today, but I take advantage of surprise bargains.  I just thought someone who already knows could dash off a reply, "Its expressiveness is about at the level of a hammerhead shark," or "Basilisk is the Jim Carrey of expressive 3D fantasy creatures," or something in between.  No harm in asking.  Thanks for the reply.


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