Does DAZ Studio 4 (pro) use anything like Poser's Texture filtering?

McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
edited December 1969 in The Commons

If it does I'm not seeing it... but that is no big surprise to me, because at the moment I'm googly eyed from checking for flaws in a model and going back and forth between Poser/DS4... and two, I am still extremely unfamiliar with DS's materials.
Thanks in advance for any info on this.


  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,633
    edited December 1969

    I've never heard that it has it at all, but I'm certainly willing to be corrected on that point.

  • Midnight_storiesMidnight_stories Posts: 4,112
    edited August 2012

    I recon it does more than a few time I've seen in the render dialog box listing optimizing images 1,2,3 until it goes though all the images.

    356 x 350 - 19K
    Post edited by Midnight_stories on
  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,633
    edited December 1969

    Ah-HAH. I didn't realize that was what that was!

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,065
    edited August 2012

    Isn't optimizing just loading? All my textures are sharp by default. I know in poser you have to switch texture filtering off to get clear sharp textures. Where would you find this setting in Daz if it exists?

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • Midnight_storiesMidnight_stories Posts: 4,112
    edited December 1969

    Zev0 said:
    Isn't optimizing just loading? All my textures are sharp by default. I know in poser you have to switch texture filtering off to get clear sharp textures. Where would you find this setting in Daz if it exists?

    Yes it's a hard one you could be right to!
    But it's crazy wording as optimizing and loading have totally different meanings, and if you can't turn it on or off than there's one point worrying about it anyway. Where's a DAZ guru when you need one LOL.
  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    Optimizing images is running "tdlmake" on textures to make them more palatable to 3Delight. It is a speed/compatibility stage.


  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,065
    edited December 1969

    In other words, no filtering?

  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited August 2012

    Zev0 said:
    In other words, no filtering?

    That depends on what options DAZ is sending:

    Usage: tdlmake [options]  
      -envlatl         : build a latitude-longitude envmap
      -envcube         : build a cube envmap, needs six input images
      -twofish         : build a cube envmap from two fisheye images
      -lightprobe      : build a cube envmap from a lightprobe
      -skymap %s       : build a skymap using the given space/time coordinates
      -shadow          : build a shadow map from a zfile
      -dirtex          : create a "directory texture"
      -fov %f          : sets field of view for cubic envmaps (in degrees)
      -lzw             : compress texture data using LZW algorithm (on by default)
      -zip, -deflate   : compress texture data using Deflate algorithm
      -packbits        : compress texture data using Apple's PackBits algorithm
      -logluv          : compress texture data using 'logluv' algorithm (only valid with -float)
      -c-              : do not compress texture data
      -separateplanes  : write output file with separate color planes
      -smode %s        : s wrapping mode: black|clamp|periodic
      -tmode %s        : t wrapping mode: black|clamp|periodic
      -mode %s         : wrapping mode in both s & t
      -filter %s       : specify the downsampling filter (see -hh)
      -window %s       : specify filter's windowing function (see -hh)
      -quality %s      : quality mode: low|medium|high, default is medium
      -sfilterwidth %f : filter support in s (filter's diameter)
      -tfilterwidth %f : filter support in t (filter's diameter)
      -filterwidth %f  : filter support in both s & t
      -blur %f         : blur factor (>1 is blurry, <1 is sharper)
      -scale %f        : scaling down factor (must be <=1)
      -preview %f      : add a preview image with given scale or size
      -preview8 %f     : add an 8-bit preview image with given scale or size
      -flips           : flip texture in s
      -flipt           : flip texture in t
      -flipst          : flip texture in both s & t
      -mirrorx         : mirror x axis of latitude-longitude envmap
      -forcecolor      : cause greyscale input to be expanded to RGB
      -gamma %f        : gamma of input data
      -rgbagamma %f %f %f %f
                       : gamma of input data (one value for each channel)
      -colorspace %s   : input color space : linear|srgb, default is linear
      -bakeres %d      : specifies the output resolution for bake files
      -byte, -ubyte    : output 8-bit unsigned data
      -sbyte           : output 8-bit signed data
      -ushort          : output 16-bit unsigned data
      -short, -sshort  : output 16-bit signed data
      -float           : output floating point data
      -pixelaspectratio %f
                       : set the aspect ratio of pixels
      -imageaspectratio %f
                       : specifies the image aspect ratio, to set pixel aspect ratio
      -newer           : only generate output if input texture(s) is(are) newer
      -nomipmap        : do not create mipmapped textures (not recommended)
      -progress        : display progress status
      -v               : print version number
      -h               : print this help
      -hh              : print more detailed help about some options
    'tdlmake' converts TIFF, JPEG, Radiance, OpenEXR, GIF, IFF, SGI, PIC, PSD, TGA
    and bake files to 3Delight's texture format (multi-image tiled TIFFs).

    -- END OF HELP

    EDIT to add

    '-filter' accepts the following downsampling filters: box, triangle, gaussian,
    sinc, catmull-rom, bessel and mitchell.
    '-window' allows a windowing function to be applied to infinite support
    filters (such as bessel and catmull-rom) to achieve a softer cut at filter's
    support boundaries. Possible windowing schemes are: lanczos, hamming, hann
    and blackman.
    '-quality' controls the mipmap downsampling strategy: when 'low',
    each mipmap level is created from the previous one, at 'medium' quality,
    each level is created from the 2nd previous level and at 'high' quality
    each level is created from up to the 4th previous level. The default
    'medium' setting is more than enough for most applications.
    '-skymap' takes a list of arguments separated by a comma in the following
    format: latitude,longitude,timezone,day,time,turbidity
    More about argument meaning and ranges can be found in the documentation

    EDIT Again: The user can determine the filtering in the Advanced Render Settings under "Pixel Filter" in conjunction with "Pixel Filter Width (X)" and "Pixel Filter Width (Y)"


    Post edited by Kendall Sears on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    edited August 2012

    I was hoping that there was something the texture filtering quality setting within Poser's Material room (none, fast and quality).
    On occasion I have noticed that certain triangulated polygons tend to blur or distort along the edge... often turning off texture filtering for that material and then rendering at a high quality will fix it.
    For the most part this seems to occur far less with Studio than Poser... I just noticed something like that occurring in a model I made... I wanted to see if trying different settings would make it go away.

    I decided to actually fix the offending polygon by going back and redoing that part of the mesh... It seems okay now.

    Thanks everyone.

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    Post edited by McGyver on
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