Translation/Rotation Coordinates Hotkeys?
Posts: 140
It looks like you can assign a hotkey to every function, except for World Coordinates and Local Coordinates while translating and rotating.
I'm hoping I've just overlooked it, and that it's staring me in the face, does anyone know if it's possible.
I can't immediately see it, or a way to set it via script.
I needed to scan harder - download this sample, make copies and edit for the modes you want (or if there are two you wish to toggle ebtween it could be edited to do that) and make it a custom action
Thanks for that, you're a champion. I managed to copy and edit it so that I can change to Local, which I prefer over toggle (besides, I have no idea how to edit it to do that anyway) this way I just create two hotkeys, and I'll know in which state it's in.
A shame it selects the universal tool, over leaving it in rotate or translate. Not sure if it's possible without having to create four scripts and four individual hotkeys. Something to mess around with, but it's a start.
Thanks again.