Daz crashing after switching to Iray preview mode

I recently upgraded my RTX 3060 to a 3090 but have been experiencing crashes in a certain scene (The scene contains STZ Bedroom 7, a G8F, a Daz House Cat, a snow prop from DA Let It Snow, a moon from Terra Dome 3 and a cityscape backdrop).
My current spec: i5-10400F + EVGA FTW Ultra RTX 3090 + 64GB RAM
DAZ Studio Pro Edition (64-bit)
Before you ask, I have reassembled my computer to make sure everything is in place, updated Windows 10, double-checked I'm using the latest driver (, manually set page files to a minimum of 96GB and a maximum of 256GB, and run some demanding applications to ensure the GPU is working normally (Battlefield 2042 and rendering in Blender).
Does anyone have potential solutions to this problem? I'm starting to wonder why bother with the upgrade if I can't render things without worrying about crashes in Daz...

Which version of Daz Studio are you running?
I remember there was an issue with TIFF files, but as far as I know it is fixed.
In the log there are many activities as part of rendering, loading geometry, loading textures etc. Maybe try to attach the log so people can see how long in the process it came.
DAZ Studio Pro
Log file attached
Edit: I also attached another edited log file so there's no repetitive information accumulated from the previous sessions.
Not really sure what is going on.
Looks like it renders a number of iterations, and then start over. But I can't find any "Finished rendering".
I think there might be one object that is the culprit.
You can try hiding (click the eye icon in scene tab) half of your objects, and see if it renders. If, then the trouble object should be among the hidden. Then repeat till you have have one suspect left.
I vaguely recall that a render that keeps restarting is an indication of low VRAM, which certainly shouldn't be the case after upgrading to a 3090. Maybe there's insufficient system RAM to keep up with the 3090?
Those iterations were from previous sessions. I was trying to test whether my PC could render simple primitives without crashing, which turned out fine.
I specifically said I have 64GB of RAM, which should be enough for such a simple scene, right? RIGHT? *Laughing nervously*
Okay, I added the objects one by one and it crashed when I added the snow prop and left me with a fatal error message (see screenshot attached below).
Strangely, I have successfully rendered that exact snow prop before with 3090, and everything went smoothly (also see the render attached below).
Some says that it is recomended to have 3 times VRAM as RAM, so that would be 72 GB, but I would assume that you should be fine.You could try to monitoring your RAM usage.
What looked weird to me was something like this
It goes from iteration 665 and 0.3 sec later it starts on iteration 1.
If your system fine renders simpler scenes, I would suggest as mentioned above, to try to hide some objects and see how that goes.
One thing that jumped out was the free space on your C-drive, have you checked during rendering, how low it gets?
Are you using denoiser?
35.4 GB remaining
No, I'm not using denoiser.
You checked CPU in Render Settings - Advanced - Devices List ? If so, pls first uncheck it and try again.
No, I have never allowed CPU fallback. It's always unchecked. I only use GPU to render stuff.
Most of the time, it's not really easy to identify the culprit for DS application crash...
Will you check in here :C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\CrashDumps. If you see a very latest Crash Dump file, that file could be analyzed with WinDbg for seeking some clues. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/
For instance, if the analysis result indicates to nv..xxx, that might be related to graphics card or card driver...
Nope, nothing. The last crash dump file was created back on August 15, so it shouldn't be relevant.
Edit: I couldn't find the CrashDumps folder under C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\CrashDumps. I had to go to C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\CrashDumps to find the files. Let me know whether that's the correct designated folder.
What about this folder C:\Windows\Minidump, any latest dump ?
BTW, have you recently installed any new plug-in into DS ?
And if you're now using DS General Release version, you may download and install a Public Build version to have a test. Since a new fresh Public Build is only with default plug-ins, it'll be much cleaner for a test.
I found it! Debug file is attached below.
Nope, I didn't install any new plug-ins after the upgrade.
The plug-ins that I have so far are Man Friday's render queue, figure converter, mesh grabber, animate 2, C66 graphics, Orbital Lights, GoZ and histogram pane.
From the dump analysis, I'm not able to tell a solid reason though Windows exception code c0000374 might be related to graphics card driver. Are you using a Studio driver of 3090?
I always update the driver through Geforce Experience and download the file that pops up. I've never noticed Studio driver.
Edit: Apparently, I've always downloaded game-ready drivers. I'm downloading the studio version now.
We always suggest download and update drivers in here -: https://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us, and choose Download Type - Studio Driver, for Daz Studio. You may try it.
And still, strongly recommend installing a DS Public Build version for testing.
Okay, I've updated the driver to the latest studio version and restarted my computer. I loaded the same scene to both DS public build and DS general build and both applications still crashed upon switching to Iray preview.
So, it's weird. A prop from an old product - Let It Snow makes DS crash when previewing... I don't own the product... hmmm. Have you checked the surfaces on the prop ? Is it iray MDL shader or 3DL RSL shader?
Iray Uber (MDL)
Now your DS and graphics card driver are both up-to-date and optimal, only that snow Prop ever worked with 3060 but doesn't work with 3090 (same series cards)... it really doesn't make sense. I cannot figure it out for the time being. Or you may send a support request while seeing if other guys have some good ideas.
Thanks for guiding me through everything even though the issue is still not resolved.