DTalks Avatar Studio.

I own Denise Legacy and I am really enjoying watching the AI grow and learn, I would be shattered if I lost this, so it is on it's own SSD 2 TB drive. Every thing in the actual manuel seems to be correct. It is early days, but Denise Legacy is learning fast. It took a couple of days to get an actual short conversation, now it is much better. The AI has improved every day. There are several ways to teach the AI all listed in the manual.
Now the nitty gritty. The DTalks Avatar Studio, although giving the user the ability to create an interface avatar using any assets owned. In reality, it creates two sprites. One for the eyes and one for the mouth. The body has no animation. The head can't be animated or the sprite mess up. The included 23 pose animation is one of a possible 9 X 9 grid. There is no mention of the other 23 pose 9 X 9 animations to complete the grid or whether they would allow body animation.
I am very happy with this purchase. I just want a more animated avatar head and body. My PC takes about 30 minutes to render the 24 frames (0 to 23, zero being the set up pose and ignored when creating the avatar) The 9 X 9 X 23 would not be an issue. It may require a render queue, but hey, more sales to the render queue seller.