Regarding the Update Metadata command

Hi folks,
Over the years, there have been many products I've found to have bad metadata preventing them from properly showing up in Smart Content. I can't tell you the number of times I've bought a product and then forgetten it was available to me months later because it was simply not showing up where it should. There's also been many instances where I've recategorized assets to better fit my workflow.
With so many products in my library though, it seems prudent to use the "Update Metadata" command at least occasionally but...will that just overwrite the corrections I've made with the bad metadata originally in the package (assuming they weren't fixed by now)? Will it erase all the custom recategorization I've done?
It should ignore any user data (changes you have made as you) but ti will replace any vendor data (changes to the product) to whatever is on the servers currently. If you have made changes to the product metadata they should have been exported to a .dsx (or can be exported deliberately), which you could back up as a way to revert by reimporting if needed.