Animating thru poses-add the pose, move ahead one frame, and the pose is remove

in New Users
Its a single scene where a Gen8 femaile morphs into a big girl-using big girl morphs. I do have some of the walking animations added, pauses in between. Really not wanting to animate all of this by hand... The hand poses, standing poses all get removed by moving forward :( Happens with limits on and limits off. :( And again thank you all for the help!
I'd usually say Please put your question in the post body and the title - Daz 3D Forums and edit to add the bits from the subject line to the body of the of the post, but in this case I am not entirely sure what you are asking. Are you trying to add a pose to a figure that already has poses, presumably to affect different parts since regular poses don't layer? And is it then chnaging the pose only in the one frame? That sounds as if the animated pose has a key on every property in every frame - You would need to delete the ones you don't need, then aplying the pose to a frame would set keys there and since nothing else was keyed that would apply to the whole play range. Is that what you are after?