Light, camera angle and dark streaks

I'm having a problem rendering a scene where dark streaks appear on a character's stockings.
Originally it was a finished scene which had no rendering problems, and which I wanted to rework by changing the environment and lighting.
The stockings are from the excellent "Stocking Settings For G3F G8F" by idler168, and the new environment is an original closed room, neither narrow nor spacious, with white floor and 4 walls, and where the only source of light comes from very bright panels which cover almost the entire surface of the ceiling.
It seems that :
- the current environment is in question,
- the lighting is sufficient,
- the dark streaks do not reflect any object,
- and they face the camera and grow bigger as the camera gets closer.
I therefore suspect an interaction between the camera angle and the light reflected on the stockings.
Could you please help me solve my problem?
Thank you.
I own and use idler's products a lot.... have not seen similar issue before...better post a screenshot first.
Is the charactar at world origin?
Except for toes, the stockings are with no geometry but just texture maps assigned to Legs surface, so there should be no instancing issue. The problem might come from shader settings and/or lighting setup.
BTW, any geoshell there on the figure? SS pls...
Thank you for your interventions.
The dark streaks on the stockings only appear in this environment.
And they face the camera regardless its angle and grow bigger as the camera gets closer.
No : Y Translate_3.15_Z Translate_-79
I don't think the character's position is the issue because, as I wrote, the same scene has no problem in another environment.
Yes, the nylon stockings have a "Glossiness Layer" shell.
Oh... but there is no Geosheel with the product - Stocking Settings. So which product on earth are you using: or ?
If it's the latter, it might be that ' common issue ' on the shell. You just try: select the geoshell - Glossines Layer, set a bigger value to 'Offset Distance', e.g. 0.01 - 0.03. see if it okay.
I'm confused! I use both products, but it is the "Nylon Stockings for Genesis 3 and 8 Females" by iWave, which is however very good, with which I encounter the problem.
Every time I use a product with a geoshell, I first check and adjust the "Offset Distance" if necessary.
So, these stockings are corrected to 0.0110 cm.
I have already tried from 0 to 0.1 cm, but the problem remains.
And I even just retested 0.01 and 0.03 cm that you vain...
We used to play with these stocking products a lot. It should be very easy to fix the similar issues.
If you can attach the scene file in here, we may help to check and fix. Save as a simple scene, just leave the figures + stockings + lights there.
crosswind, thank you very much for your help, but I am not authorized to communicate any file even light because it contains an order from a customer subject to professional restrictions
Which explains why my screenshot is sketchy.
Furthermore, as I wrote in my first message, the only source of light comes from very bright panels which cover almost the entire surface of the ceiling.
So if I don't attach the entire environment to the file, I doubt it will be useful to you.
Have you ever encountered more or less similar problems?
Nope... we've just experienced the shell offset issue. The position depends on the body shape of the figure...