My camera fly away

Hello everyone. I have an issue with Daz, and it's blowing my mind. From time to time my camera starts flying away from a viewpoint and It does it endlessly. I can't change it, I press any key but nothing is happened.
Maybe experienced users have a life hack of how to change it, but I have not. Please help me, and save my soul.
So it does this just in a static scene, or is this an animation? When you say it does it endlessly do you mean it keeps moving even though nothing is happening in DS (which would sound like an issue with the scroll wheel on the mouse)?
The scene is static without animation. Yes "it keeps moving even though nothing is happening", I see that problem on both my PCs, and yes it would sound like a mouse issue but I have two different PCs with two different mice and therefore I think that it is a DAZ issue.
I used Scene Navigator Tool (keys are WASD) and at that moment the issue appeared.
Can confirm I've had something similar happening, with the universal tool selected. Viewport suddenly starts spinning slowly or infinitely zooming out. I use DS 4.20 and can't recall having issues with this build, so must have been an earlier version...(Mac user).
I remember solving it by saving and restarting DS, but found out resetting the active view worked.
I have restarted DAZ many times, and is does not help.
I've encountered this problem mainly when I'm moving the camera with my keyboard and, simultaneously, a pop-up window appears or I switch to another window with ALT+TAB. It usually fixes when I randomly pressing WASD at the same time