obj is importing to the wrong location

obj is importing to the wrong location
it was importing fine, didnt think I clicked any other settings on the import window, has something been changed in it that is causing imported obj's to be brought in way off to the side?

2384 x 757 - 310K
it is only the left shoe that is importing out of plsce, the right shoe is importing fine
Do they come as a pair, or is it 2 seperate files?
And where does the shoe end up?
they are seperate, right shoe comes in corrrect, left shoe is where it is shown in the image
It looks like it comes in, in the same position as the left, mirrored around the Z axis.
Is it modelled off center?
it it fits on the foot correctly, i sent the right foot for someone t put uv on it for me, then he sends back the pair he said it mirrored correctly in blender
Well, it looks as if the figure is well off centre - did you make the shoe by mirroring the one that was correctly place? The offset looks like a mirror image of the correct shoe.
Was you G8's Transform is at XYZ (0,0,0) in Blender before making shoes ? And you made a shoe on one side, then someone Mirrored it on X axis and UV-unwrapped? Like my screenshots down below ?
If not, I assume there was a wrong Transform and/or Mirror operation. You'd better ask for the .blend file that 'someone' worked with... It should be a simple process as long as one knows the rigging mechanics of in DS before making Wearables in other software.
well move it then
i zeroed g8f to make sure and she is zeroed in the center and the right foot importys fine
it always mirrors fine onto the left foot until now
ok thanks
because will take a long time to do that for every shoe lilweep
First go edit>preferences (F2 on windows), Interface tab, about half way down you'll see "BackFace Lighting" turn it off.
Second set the viewport to smooth shaded
If the mesh shows as black then it was "mirrored" either on import into DS, or on export from another program, and is now inside out.
To fix select the mesh and use one of the scale sliders (probably X) and set it to -100%, this will "un-mirror" the mesh.
Now you have export the mesh as OBJ to lock in the changes, use the DS export preset.
Delete the bad mesh and load in the one you just created.
When you say "it mirrors fine" what do you mean by that? Are you the one doing the mirroring in Daz by flipping the X scale?
If you arent i would suggest trying that to get the second shoe into place, and then export to blender and recalc normal outside to make sure normals are on the outside (as usually mirroring like this flips the normals).
To be honest, I was having a hard time following this thread as you say the character has been centred at 0,0,0 but clearly it was not centered in the original screenshot. Maybe that transformation away from centre is the source of your problem? But again a little confused because you say it was mirroring fine "until now" which suggests this workflow was working for you before, even though it was off-centre?
mirror in blender always has gone fine I mean and imported fine
Piecing together info provided in the thread, I assume what happened is that you had originally translated and rotated your character away from the world center. Then you have lined up a shoe with this figure, then provided that shoe to someone else, who mirrored it in external software. When they mirrored it, they would have done so around the center axis, and since your character is not at center, it will not line up with character's center axis.
So issue is nothing to do with import or mirroring in external software, issue is to do with original translation of figure away from world center.
There might be an easier solution, but one workaround could be:
thanks for everyone's input, problem for now has been solved