lip / mouth time again

i'm getting so frustrated. easily done!! anyway, so many models i'm working with have these strange lips.... see the one on the left of the attached file
i've got a few morphs and i've been trying to find one that i can change those lips to look 'normal' such as the one on the right.... i've tried stretching, changing lip curves, the lot....
Is there any way to just lift a mouth and lips from one model onto the other... or anyone got a similar issue like this that they know of the answer?

Screenshot 2023-10-25 1423332.png
300 x 274 - 102K
Post edited by madmac on
Anyway... No, there isn't any way I know of to lift a mouth and lips from one model to another, unfortunately. The character on the left looks like it has extreme morphs dialed in. The neck is extra long and the face looks kind of squished. You said that a lot of models have that look. That makes me think that your base character has gotten corrupted with rogue morphs. That can happen if a character is installed that is created incorrectly. This occasionally happens with Daz Store characters, but it more often happens with characters from other stores or especially free characters you might download and install. What generation of character are you using (Genesis 9, Genesis 8, Genesis 3, etc.)? If you load just the base character, does it have the same face problem?
the base character is fine when i open it up its Genesis 8, i dont think i recall other generations having issues so you may be right. I bought CNB DI Yangon Win HD the other day and was just trying to replicate some of the promo images. yeah i know that they are photoshoped mostly but still, the lips on the promo images look normal yet the model i opened in my daz had those strange 'pouting' lips and using the morphs and dials that i have i can never get rid of that look. and when i try and add expressions they just look hiddious lol.
Anyway, thanks for your reply though, much appreciated.
Reinstalling Daz Studio won't have any affect on the content files, so don't waste your time and energy on that. I looked at those promo shots and yes, they look normal. After you load the character, select it in Scene pane. Then open the Parameters pane and select Currently Used. Then go to the "hamburger" menu in the Parameters pane and select Show Hidden Parameters. Does anything strange show up there? Attach a screenshot if you can. Also attach a screenshot of what your base Genesis 8 looks like when you load just it.
It's late here. I'll check back tomorrow.
This is what my Genesis 8 Female looks like. (Don't post any nude images with skin textures. You can post the character in gray or white like this, or with a bikini on. It is not acceptable to cover parts of the body with black bars or circles, or anything like that. If you do any of those things, moderators are required to remove your image for violating the terms of service against posting nudity.)
The character in your original message look like you may have dialed in something other than just CNB DI Yangon Win HD. Are you also dialing in some other morphs like Growing Up to make younger characters? If so, the combination of morphs may be too strong or not very compatible.
the models are actually Genesis 8.1 not 8 like i originally stated. but yeah the default model is fine. the first screen shot (with 3 modles) shows the base model on the left. the middle model is the base model with the CNB DI Yangon Win HD body applied. and the model on the right is the loaded preset for CNB DI Yangon Win HD.
I opened the currently used properties and checked the hidden parameters. nothing sticks out. I attached a screenshot of it.
I'm not using any morphs either, these are just the raw models that you get and loaded. i did notice that the model uses two morphs for the body and head but i think perhaps that is the original intent from Nirvana. saying that, the screen shot with 2 models shows a side by side comparison of the original model loaded (on the left) and then the orginal model with that face morph "Vo Xiao Mei Head" removed (right model). it looks a little better (around the mouth) but then it does change the character's appearance.
It would be interesting to see if anyone else has this model and what their version looks like. but yeah maybe this is how it's meant to be and the promo images are just photoshoped heavily and dont represent fully the actual model you buy. but a few of my other models has this strange mouth / lips look so who knows...
Thanks again!
hmmm maybe that's the issue after all... i also have a similar charactor CNB Di Parah... it's the same, got this stupid lip thing going on... and when i look at the hidden parameters i see that it also has a head and body morph using 'Vo Xiao Mei' ... when i remove those both then the lips/mouth certainly improve and the body also looks a lot better... hmmm wonder if that's how Nirvana did the promo pictures by removing that morph. interesting....
@ gregormci Good screenshots. Those are helpful. Yes, the two body and two head morphs for CNB DI Yangon Win HD are as Nivrana intended. One is the basic character shape and the other is the HD details. That is pretty standard practice for Daz characters (one morph for basic shape and one to add high definition details like wrinkles, etc.). So that looks good. However, Vo Xiao Mei is a different character created by a different vendor. Those morphs should not get dialed in automatically when you load CNB DI Yangon Win HD. So that is a problem! Your base character in that image of 3 characters doesn't really look right to me either. Her waist is too narrow and her face isn't neutral enough. Let's try to verify if those Vo Xiao Mei morphs are dialed in when you load just the base character. Capture the screenshot of the parameters right after your load the base G8.1F character.
Edit: Oh!!! Look what I found by doing a search:
"The "Vo Xiao Mei" shape gets auto-loaded with every Genesis 8.1 figure (I installed the character via DIM)"
Read that thread, please. It offers solutions so you can fix the problem yourself, but really Daz QA should have fixed it already. I don't know if they did. Check to see if there is an update to Vo Xiao Mei that you haven't installed. That forum thread states that a fix was made by Daz.
Oh, by the way, promo images may be edited by the vendor to adjust contrast and brightness or add "atmosphere", etc., but they would not be allowed to dial in/out other character shapes to misrepresent the product. They can apply poses and expressions, and that is fine, but NOT other character shapes.
Edit: Well, I realize that statement is not technically accurate. Vendors can add promo images that dial in other character shapes, to demonstrate how their character would mix with other character shapes, but that would have to be clearly labeled as being a mix. That is not the case in the CNB DI Yangon Win HD promo images, as far as I can tell. I'm confident that the reason your images don't look anything like the promor images is the Vo Xiao Mei problem.
That is an amazing find there @barbult thank you so much. i'd never have figured that the answer was due to other characters if you hadnt suggested checking the parameters firstly... and then you doing the searching on that character. I've learned something new in this one thread and with that i thank you! and i'll know to pay more attention to how installing characters can have an affect on the base ones. nice.
I've edited that file and indeed now my Gen 8.1 base figures and also Yangon no longer load up that morph. and guess what... they look so much better. This is so exciting!
and to show it here is one happy Yangon with now a nice smile!!
She certainly does look much better! I'm glad you got it all fixed up and learned a helpful lesson along the way. Now you know what to be suspicious of when things don't look right.
Both of PAs of these chars are friends of mine. And sorry for Xiao Mei's issue as it was the 1st char of VOO ~~ We knew that issue when we got the prod from him but never knew that was the release version....
The render of Yangon looks nice. Enjoy !
Thanks @crosswind. i'm just happy that my models are looking great now. Being relatively new (new as in getting back into it after a few years) Im thinking i got Xiao Mei a while back and probably not via daz store and just never thought of the issues that it was causing. then buying Yangon recently and trying to replicate a couple of the promo images (as i like to test myself) i was getting frustrated at the results. i wasnt sure if this was how it worked as in you see a model, buy it, and then it looks a bit silly when i start to use it for myself. but so happy its resolved. The PAs make some really great models.
I tried with one of Yangon's promo image but having no where near the tallent of some of these artists then i'm left a little dissapointed sometimes. Other times i just get the lighting right and the pose nice and i amaze myself lol.
You were just unlucky to buy one of the few models that the vendor created incorrectly and Daz didn't test sufficiently. Some vendors seem to have repeated problems with this error. Eventually most vendors who make these errors get things figured out, and their later models are OK. It is a learning curve, I guess. This kind of problem shouldn't happen very often with Daz Store models, though.
Yeah but don't be disappointed as it takes time. We all used to be newbies. The promos of Yangon were made by another guy who used some post work with the final renders... Sometimes 'renders only' may not be really enough. Here's a portrait of blended Yangon + Rainy.
So pls just take it easy and Happy Rendering !
Haa yeah thank you. She looks amazing. Guess thats what i'll try soon and that's blending models. Hopefully one day i'll be good enough to post some of my renders :-D Thanks again!
Post any render you want to. All are welcome. There are all range of skills around here. I'll never be an "artist", but that doesn't stop me from having fun. The Art Studio forum section is a good place to post renders. You can create a Daz Gallery, too, if you want to. Join in some of the contests to challenge yourself and try new things.
Yea, just feel free to do so as barbult said. We may enjoy happy rendering in various ways, n'est-ce pas?