Dain 9 HD Pro Bundle

in The Commons
Is it just me or does the Dain 9 Pro bundle (https://www.daz3d.com/dain-9-hd-pro-bundle) seem to be missing an item. See attached. Looks familiar but I can't remember which character bundle it actually belongs to.

2000 x 2600 - 3M
He's in my Smart Content as Dain 9 Toon Shape
Do you mean the character or what he's wearing? The character is there; no idea what he's wearing
Definitely missing a W.
That is a Dwain (Dwayne?) pose.
Other than the bulb of his nose (even that has occured or a few folk), he doesn't look very toon-like. He looks like a throwback to the Gay 90s (1890s)
It looked like to me it was for a clothing product, not one of the morphs that comes with the bundle. I was more interested in the outfit and the hair pieces he's wearing.
The outfit looks like the default G9 tank top and brief that comes with DS. Can't see enough of his hair to tell what that is though.
I was wondering. I plan on only getting the Dain 9 character and not the Starter or Pro bundle, does that mean the 2 extra morphs (emanciated and young adult) are not available with just the base character purchase? Thanks for clarification.
The extra morphs (toon, emaciated, young adult) are available only in the Pro Bundle, and only until November 19. After that, even if you buy the pro bundle, you apparently do not get the extra shapes.
OKey, Doke. Thanks. I'll have to do without.