XRotation property vanished after I changed its name. [Solved]

lukon100lukon100 Posts: 818

I made custom ERC proprties and mistakenly made them have the same name as the rotation properties they control. So the controlled rotation properties turned red. But when I changed the name of the controlled rotation property, it vanished from the properties pane. The ERC still works.

Can I get my controlled rotation property to appear in the properties pane again?

Post edited by lukon100 on


  • Do they have different labels? If not then they have been cosolidated - if you look in the parameters pane you will probably see the label with a (2) after it. You can separate them if that is the case by unchecking the preferences>Consolidate Properties in the Parameters pane option menu

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,128

    Have you saved the morph assets? If you have, delete dsf files from the data folder, reload your figure and recreate properties. If you haven't and find no property that you want in Parameters and Property Hierarchy, also reload the figure and recreat them.

  • lukon100lukon100 Posts: 818

    Thanks for your help, Richard and Crosswind.

    My problem was the consolidation of properties. So Richard's instructions worked.

    As for morphs, I don't think any morphs were involved in this - just some basic rotations.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,128
    edited October 2023

    Understood ~ you just changed the Label(s) of properties rather than creating any morph dial. My bad English... laugh

    Post edited by crosswind on
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