Custom morph changing hair

I created a custom morph for a genesis 9 model following this tutorial :

My intention was to create elf ears. The morph works correctly; however it is also moving the hair near the ears. Is there some way to keep the morph from impacting the hair?



  • Two options:

    If you don't want the ears transferring to anything click the gear icon on their slider on the figure and uncheck AutoFollow - you will have to resave the morph as an asset to make this change global, otherwise it will apply only yo scenes in which you make it.

    If you want to exempt only the hair, you can enable Preferences>Show Hidden Parameters in the option menu for the Parameters pane, select the hair, find the projected ear morph, and zero it. More permanently, you can right-click in the Parameters pane to put it in edit mode, select the hair, right-click (probably in the Hidden group) and Add Property, then give the property the same name as the morph (name, not label) - DS will see this and  adjust it to match the value of the morph rather than projecting a new morph, but of coruse it won't actually do anything.

  • Unchecking AutoFollow didn't change anything. Showing hidden and zeroing it for the hair worked. Thank you!

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,128

    Plus.. we usually tweak the hair mesh around the elf ears by using Mesh Grabber, dFormer, or Blender etc. to make them look natural...with no or less 'poke-thru'

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