Vertical and horizontal orientation camera in Daz

Hello there!
I don't know if it's disused already, but could be helpful for someone, I think..
So let see, you need to mimic real world camera in Daz Studio. This is important for compositing. For example, you may have a real person photographed with digital/film camera and trying to put it in the rendered environment, or vice versa...In both cases, you'll need close to perfect match of the virtual cam to real one. For this is mandatory to know what lens and camera is used first and then shoot/render with the same - preferably from the same position and angle, for the perspective match.
Here is the problem...
In Daz Studio we can specify sensor/film size which correspond to the camera model and the focal length - which is the lens we are using. So far so good, but this will work only if you're trying to match vertical oriented cameras.
I'm a photographer and own different cameras. Most of them are "full frame" which is 24x36mm sensor size. The default setting in Daz is exactly that. You can find it in camera settings - called "Frame Width". It's a 36mm - Corresponding to this particular sensor sizes I use most. Then you dial the lens focal length - 50mm for example, then you have to position the camera as close to the original one and done. The money shoot!
Now if the original is shot horizontally this is not going to happen. You can notice it when you're changing render ratio, for example from 2:3 to 3:2. This is the only way we can control the camera vertical/horizontal orientation in Daz..
It seems you have to change the "Frame Width" with the other dimension of your sensor size to match. For the given above situation, it's 24mm. Then you will have the correct behavior like you're just rotating your camera for horizontal framing, and not changing the lens. And this is scaling linearly up and down in respect to a sensor sizes.
So the conclusion is the "Frame Width" is actually a "Frame Height". And you cannot achieve a consistency at a focal length, without touching the "Frame Width" for vertical/horizontal orientation.