Baby Slings for G8 & G9

I did a little browsing through a few of the paid and freebie websites, but the only one I found was for V4/M4 for Poser, which I don't use. For reference, I mean things like these:
The long-fabric-strip kind is preferable, but the buckles & straps kind is also helpful. If someone wants to be a completionist, having both chest and back versions would be ideal, but if you have to chose only one, front only (b/c that's how most of them are made now). Bonus for sci-fi and/or fantasy versions, it would be nice to have a shield of sorts along the baby's back, for those long treks through monster-infested woods.
Morphs for fitting under and/or over clothing would be helpful (both for the parent and the child), and pressure morphs for the G8/9 figure and/or some way to apply that to their clothing would also be helpful. Poses for all of them would make it complete. There are also the one-sided "hip" slings, but I never liked using those, as they put a lot of stress on one shoulder. I suppose if the straps were textured separately, that would allow for the appearance of it w/o having to create a whole different model, although it would need adjustments for the baby sitting more to one side or the other.

I would love a baby sling! I went looking for one a while back and couldn't find anything for the art I wanted to make. I ended up putting that idea on the backburner and doing something else with the baby just being carried in the parent's arms.
I'm no babyologist, but 16lb sounds absolutely colossal.
My son was 9 lbs 4.7oz and 21 inches. Could not wear 'newborn' sized clothes. Never even thought of trusting him in a sling/backpack. When he was around two, we lived in Greece and I tried a baby seat on a bike and he almost flipped us over by trying to jump over the side. Last time I took him for a ride. Now 6'3".
I was old enough to remember my baby sister when she was born premature and my father could hold her in the palm of his hand and she barely was the length of his forearm. She is now 5'10".
Babies come in all sizes. I have seen women and men using those backbacks and sling things for babies, cats, and small dogs. Whatever works for someone. Guess it is better than running over someone with one of those monster strollers.
I had big babies, too... the sling was instant back and neck problems, but the Ergo carrier was one of the best investments I ever made (at 40 I figured it was spend the money on a quality carrier or a chiropractor). They're more like hiking backpacks as far as structure and support goes... just for a baby. (My son was 22 pounds at 6 months, and I'm 5'0"... no way could I have just carried him in my arms as much as he needed carried. I used it until he was 2!)
I would absolutely buy one of those for my g9 people!!
Yeah...I went on and did the render I intended, but w/ her holding the baby instead of trying to jerryrig the M4/V4 sling I found. Turned out alright, but I wanted Mommy Dearest to be holding two weapons instead of just one. Oh well, maybe I'll revisit it later if someone ever makes one (though it'd probably end up being for G9 the way things are going).
Great render
Doesn't baby's poo count as chemical weapons ?