Alternate G9 chest UVs (Solved)

Is there a product that has UVs that move the female chest materials to line up with the male nipples?
I have seen the reverse of this (moves male chest materials to use female nipples) in Soto's Breast Utilities for G9. I have this linked product, but I feel like the reverse would be more useful to me, since I see more female characters released than males. (Also, a lot of male characters have facial and body hair on their skins, which makes them look weird next to smoother female characters and these male skins do not look good on younger boys.)
Edit: I guess nobody else cares, except me. (So I'm editing this post instead of bumping it.) But it seems like InTheFlesh's G9 Dev Kit Vol. 2 contains the UVs I want. The downside is that there's a bunch of random cameras and animations that I don't think I'll use, so I have to think about it. (But not much.)