Daz export, Unity import, cloth collision and peek through?

Two parts to this...
I've managed to figure out just about every hurdle I've come across with getting Daz chars working with Unity. The only thing still vexxing me - like 'very close to rage quitting gamedev' vexxing me.. it's now 10pm, been working on this nearly 15 hours and no closer to figuring anything out - is skin peeking through clothing during Unity animation.
I've tried Magica Cloth 1 and 2 to try to brute force cloth simulation / collisions. I've tried Unity's built in cloth simulation.. worked even less.
What is the right way to do this? Any and all suggestions are appreciated!
Part 2..
The only thing that seems to / should work is scaling my clothing a few percent larger than the character body. If there's an attribute slider? (not sure the correct term.. being able to adjust a specific property of a item) it works fine. But only if there's a coded attribute. When I go to export, any manual scaling via the scaling sliders doesn't happen. For example: I'll 150% scale something - obviously way too big, but I should see SOMETHING from this - but during the export process everything gets scaled right back down to 100%, then blown back up to 150% at the end. I've noticed it happens for a lot of things.. T / A poses getting reset especially. Why does Daz do this? In the past I've had to Bake Joint Rotations for exports to work properly, but then I'm screwed if I want to go back and work on the character in Daz.
Figured out part 2.. lock it! DUH! Always wondered what the locks were used for, I figured it was just so that you wouldn't inadvertantly change something down the road.
Still doesn't solve my clothes issues. Argh.
Hide parts of the figure in Daz Studio before sending to Unity of the genesis character is the easiest way to remove body polygons under clothing. For more refined removal can use the Geometry Editing in Daz Studio to remove polygons of the genesis character before export. I.e. change the mesh to only have one layer of polygons before sending to Unity using the hide/delete geometry in Daz Studio. This way there are no polygons under the clothing to poke through.
Have you tried zeroing it out before export ? Not sure if will help. Right click preferences - zer - zero figure.
Got the clothing figured out! It required the use of an asset on the Unity Asset Store called Clothing Culler, but after a bit of finesse and learning how CC works it worked absolutely beautifully. No more peek through.
Geometry editor - I'll check this out as well - while I've solved my initial issues now I can see where mesh editing would come in very handy for optimization. TY!!
(image shows the problem.. now fixed)
That clothing culler does look good