How pick another character up...

in New Users
Scene has two characters. A giantes female, and a tiny mine(he does have the mr gammon character applied, and shrunk down to size. Thought I could parent him to her hand but thats not working- the 2nd pic is what happens once I parent him to her hand...
And once again, thank you for all of your help!

Screenshot 2023-10-28 182306.png
279 x 216 - 112K

Screenshot 2023-10-28 182416.png
475 x 450 - 327K
You simply dragged Gammon to her left hand ?
No I posed her to that position to pick him up. He remained stationary.
In the Scene pane, not the Viewport - either that or right-click on the figure>Change [name] Parent
Might it help to create a null object and parent it to a finger and then parent the male character to the null object?