How to make my current scene on frame 40 back to frame 0?

JamesJames Posts: 1,106
edited October 2023 in Daz Studio Discussion

I want to use the situation on my current scene which is on frame 40 to be on frame 0.

I tried copy all the keyframes on frame 40 to 0, but things just changed and moved.
Probably keyframes on previous frames have influences. Try to copy them to frame 0, but.. not working well.
Is there an easy way to do this?

Post edited by James on


  • Select all the keys you don't want (drag-select) and delete them (click the Key icon - button at the bottom of the Timeline) - assuming you have keys at frame 40, if not create them first. Now the state at Frame 40 will be aplied across the whole Timeline, so go back to Frame 0 and Create Keys (Key icon + at the bottom) to reset the opening point, after which you can ditch the keys at frame 40 if you wish and then resume animating.

    If you want frame 0 to be the same as frame 40, but to keep other keys between, then you could save Pose presets for each item, choosing the Curent Frame Only option, then apply them at frame 0.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,124

    There shouldn't be problem... Have your checked TRSOAH in Types dropdown list ?

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