How to make ERC for pJCM under multiple conditions?

I already know the basic to make one ERC for one pJCM,
But now I have a problem.
I have 3 kind of morphs to influence the fat belly (fat character usually have no pJCM for the belly) :
1. when abodmen lower bend up to 35
2. when abdomen upper bend up to 40
3. when abdomen lower and upper bend up to 35 and 40
I can do no. 1 and 2.
3 probably using multiply.
But how to make when no. 3 occurs, the morph for no.1 and 2 becomes zero percent?
Post edited by James on
Rather than doing that, the usual approach would be to have Morph 3 be the diference between 1 and 2 combined and the desired final shape (most easily done by loading 3 with 1 and 2 on, and then using the Reverse Deformations options in Morph Loader pro). Then, as you say, you can add miorph one and multiply by morph 2 (or vcie versa) to get the correct value for morph 3.
You need Multi-Dimensional controllers, which is Daz official way (though I myself usually use ERC [Keyed]). We discussed and wrapped it up in this thread -
1, Create 2 'CTRLMD_' dials on Abdomen Upper and Abdomen Lower. Their controlls are Abdomen Upper - Bend and Abdomen Lower - Bend. You can create them with the scripts in this tutorial - or manually create them. (suggest the latter...).
2, Make and import the third corrective morph. In Property Hierarchy, drag Abdomen Lower Bend to its Controllers - 1st Stage, CTRLMD_ dial on Abdomen Upper to its Controllers - 2nd Stage. (or invertedly).
3, Drag two pJCMs of Abdomen Upper / Lower to its Sub-Comoponents - 1st stage, and use ERC [Substract].
The above is for the case you mentioned by using a single 3rd corrective morph only for the 'combo bend'. But I'd rather suggest you use an MCM (Morph Corrective Morph), i.e. a pure delta morph to correct the result of those two pJCMs. In that way, you don't have to substract those two pJCMs. That'll be simpler and probably better in terms of the 'corrective shape'...
Is CTRLMD basically a correction morph / pJCM, that's in this context serves or called as CTRLMD?
CTRLMD_: Ctrl Multi-Dimensional_. It's just like a 'shadow dial' of its controller (Bend, Side-Side or Twist, etc.) ...
Since Multi-dimentional controlling needs to use 1st stage [Add] + 2nd stage [Multiply], a property dial with 'degree value' cannot be directly used on the 2nd stage to be 'multiplied', therefore we need to create a CTRLMD_ with floating point value range 0.0 to 1.0., and assign the property dial with degree value as its Controller.
My character seems to have CTRLMD already (hidden) for Abdomen Upper and Abdomen Lower.
Is it something to be created or already exist by default?
Not default but from some products...If you have installed products from Zev0 e.g. Growing Up or sth., there're CTRLMD dials on Abdomen nodes. You may directly use them. No problem ~
is CTRLMD created by right click on the parameter pane > Create new property?
Yep, that's right.
You mean by putting the 1st correction morph on the 1stage controller of the 3rd combo morph
and 2nd corretction morph on the 2stage controller of the 3rd combo morph.
Yea, that looks good already.
To be honest I really confused on how to use the the CTRLMD method.
I don't understand the mechanism. Can't get my head around. I'm so confused, I don't even know what to ask.
It's not complex but just used for the corrective case with multi-controllers in terms of 'combo joint rotations'. You see that with CTRLM_, the controlllers can be multi-layered so that we may convert 'degree value' to 1.0 that can be correctly multiplied or divided by.
No worry, more experiments will lead you to better understanding.
There should also be You Tube videos available about this.
Once you've understood, how this works, make sure to keep practicing it.
I for myself can tell you, that I have a tendency to forget these things after a while.
Yes, the only tutorial on youtube relating to this subject is from Mada, as posted above.
There must be more tutorials about that. Don't remember by whom, but the one linked here is not it.
I think the procedure has been explained in here as well:
Change Multiple Sliders with Controller Properties in Daz Studio - YouTube
Yea, I've watched almost every tutorial from Jay.... but this one has nothing to do with Multi-Dimensional. It just shows how to use a single dial to control multi-properties with ECR Freezing rather than multi-tiered controlling with Property Hierarchy. MD cannot be done in this simple way.
Trust me. Mada is the only one who showed the workflow of MD, up to now...
what does sub-compnent actually for?
Just like Master - Slave relationship... Controller is a Master, Sub-Component is a Slave. Technically, you may set the relationship in b/t Controllers and Sub-Components in oneway or bothway.
May learn from this document: