VDB Hell Rider -- why no flames?

Why, when applying VDB Hell Rider to G9, it only renders as black smoke, no flames? I apply the materials as advised in the TIP, but it only comes out as smoke.
(Mod edit: image removed due to nudity. Please read https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/3279/acceptable-ways-of-handling-nudity#latest )
Post edited by Cris Palomino on
VDB emission is currently only supported in the current beta, not the general release.
And an update today for Studio, plus more products. Does this solve the problem?
Personally, I don't suggest update General Release at this moment. Install a Public Build instead.
If you DO wanna update your General Release, well backup the IM package of and all the plugins if you got the pushed Updates in DIM, before downloading.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!