Create Advanced Iray Node Properties Script Not Working

I usually use DazStudio on an account on my PC that does not have administrator rights. On this account when I try to run the "Create Advanced Iray Node Properties Script" nothing happens.
If I switch to the account on my PC with administrator rights and run DazStudio and the script it does work.
I have tried copying the script to another location and running it without admin rights and it still doesn't work.
I have tried elevating DazStudio to run with admin rights but this doesn't work because I'm told it can't be run with elevated rights.
Is there any workaround I can use to run the script on the account that does not have admin rights?
*EDIT* - Even elevating the previously non admin account to have admin rights does not work.
The script does not require administrator rights, nothing in Daz Studio itseklf does 9and indeed, the application wil fail to run if you try to start it with admin rights). Have you updated the Default Resources package on the problem machine, assuming you are using DS 4.22?
I'm using Daz on the same PC.
One account has administrator rights (the account I used to update Daz to 4.22) and the script works fine
The other account doesn't have administrator rights and the script does nothing.
I am running the same version of Daz from the same install location on both accounts. The only difference is that one was used to install the update and has admin rights (which works) and the other one doesn't have admin rights (which doesn't work).
Perhaps admin rights are a red herring. I elevated the second account to have admin rights and it still doesn't work. I am now wondering if this is a pathing issue. Because Daz was installed on the primary Admin account it is trying to point to a location the secondary non-admin account doesn't have access to. But that's just a guess.
I do have a third-party ghost light script that gives the same outcome as the Daz version so I can use that but it would be nice to know why the script doesn't work and if there is anything I can do about it.
NOt working for me either unfortunately
Pathing would certainly be my suspicion, especially if yiou used connect to install the content (DIM defaults to using the Public Dociments folder, which should be open to all). If you used Connect then it is quite possible that the failing account has a different database and cannot see the new files, so it might well be using an older installation of the script.
I just tried this out and it worked fine for me. There is one little issue. Although the ghost light did disappear and still lit the scene, the scene I was using had a polished wooden floor, and the ghost light is clearly reflected in that.
You can try to increase 'Iray Ghost Light Factor'.
What it is supposed to do I do not know, but it can somehow change reflections.
I will give that a go.
Yes, that's it ~ the geometry is still there in reflection... no matter how you tweak the settings...
ver1.0 ghost light came from an Nvidia iray bug, ver1.5 interim ghost light was gone since 4.15 (if I remember correctly), now ver2.0 ghost light is not a 'real ghost light' since bug was fixed. Even if iray invisible is set on it, reflection can still catch it.
That was why there was no demonstration of 'ghost light in reflection' in the official tutorial...
PS: I remember the older scripts for could handle mesh light with iray invisible, now it seems such a function has gone...
The Iray Ghost Factor is precisely the tool for hiiding ghost lights from some or all relfections - it is explained here
Unfortunately, up to now, it doesn't work... I experimented those 'old scripts' in that thread when it was posted, they worked though not perfect. But the thread was modified days ago, old scripts are gone and the script in latest Default Resources brought me these results. I've already set Factor to 1 Mil...
Seemingly, we're not able to make real ghost lights since Nvidia driver was updated again...
The scene fiels work, assuming you have a recent enough version of the nVidia drivers. You should not ned to hit 1,000,000 - the effective value range is [0,128]
128 doesn't work either...Yes, I have the latest studio driver. rbtwhiz mentioned no info. about Nvidia driver in the thread...and I cannot always stick to one older driver...Anywai if the driver turns out to be the culprit, I just let go as I rarely use ghost light after all.
I think the problem people are having may be because the video tutorial does not perform all of the functions that rbtwhiz (Rob) describes in the forum post that Richard referenced. If you look carefully at Rob's instructions, Method A requires setting the surface Refraction Index and Refraction Weight in the Surfaces pane. Method B requires applying the Emissive shader to the ghost light surface. Both method A and method B result in ghost lights that are invisible, including in reflections, for me.
I've been waiting a long time to get an official script update that would create all these properties, so I didn't have to create them manually. So thank you rbtwhiz and the dev team for the new script.
In fact 3 settings are all in my scene above.... So latest ghost light is driver dependant if it works on your side... and I assume if you move your ghost light close to a geometry, you still can see the shadow... probably. 'Cause when I saw it worked in Q1 with older driver, I saw the shadow...
And the scripts could be used on spotlight at that time but now it can't...
I'm using NVIDIA driver version 537.58. I don't see a shadow. I'll try another test with another light shining at the emissive ghost light to cast a shadow on an object.
Edit: No, no shadow problem as long as I have refraction turned on. The spotlight shines right through the ghost light, and the ghost light casts no shadow on the objects behind it.
I'm using the very same driver as you do. I deleted Zeus and changed all objects to basic primitives. Pls help to check if there's any settings wrong. Thanks!
Well, I don't see refraction turned on on your emissive cube ghost light. And your Iray Ghost Light Factor is not >1. So neither of those settings match what Rob's Method A instructions outline. Which method were you attempting to follow? However, even setting refraction index and refraction weight to 1 and setting Iray Ghost Light Factor to 128 did not completely eliminate the reflection of the cube in the mirror. Am I looking at the right things in your scene?
I tried a quick reproduction from scratch, which seemed to work correctly. As barbult says, a number of your settings did not seem to match the recipe.
OK, I see a couple other issues. Your emissive ghost cube has roughness turned to max. I set it back to 0 and that eliminated most of the cube reflection, except on the bottom. It looks like the bottom or your cube geometry is in exactly the same place as the floor plane. Daz Studio/Iray doesn't like multiple polygons in the same place. If I raise your cube up on the Y axis, that improves things, too.
I also tried reloading your scene and replacing the cube with mine - that remains invisible in the mirror, but something odd is happening with the ground under it (I see some of the wireframe). Edit: as barbult says, the issue is essentially that the geometry coincides - but I would almost expect the cube's invisibility to offset that. Still, in practice this is a fairly artificial set up.
Here are the modifications I made to your scene. Iray Ghost Light Factor of 2 was high enough.
Actually, pls check. that Glass Sphere in the scene IS with correct Refraction setup. And all the Glossy Layer Weight there is Zero, so Roughness has no effect... and I said I ever tried with Factor value 128 even 1 Mil...maybe I reset it then. I'm now a bit confused and I'm furter testing.
I got it finally ! The key is Thin Walled. It's all fine as long as we only set Thin Walled - Off, plus Refraction and Emission on a default Iray Uber shader.. Edit: with default iray uber shader, touch nothing other than Refraction and Emmision !
But still, that highlight 'shadow' is always there... so better use a 'floating ghost light' ?...
But I have to say this version of ghost light is crystal clear, not like the old one with Opacity settings...
Thank you so much guys !
Yep, that worked for me. Increased the IGLF to 4 and the reflections disappeared.
Well, it is the source of the light - none is shining inside the box - so the dark area there is to be expected.
Yes sir, understood ! And...I faint again... was I blind ?! It was not relevant to Thin Walled which should be with default On... there was a Top Coat Weight value which should've been turned off.... And why Glossy Roughness took effect even if Glossy Layered Weight is 0... because of default Share Glossy Inputs is On, it outputs to Refraction with 1...
Anyway, with default iray uber shader, touch nothing other than Refraction and Emmision ! It works now.
I have found the solution to the problem I had. It was a pathing issue.
I have my content located on a separate drive to my DazStudio install. I located where the script was on the account where the script did work and realised this was where my DazStudio is installed. I copied the script from this location and placed it with my other content. The script now works on both accounts.