Why does saving a scene not save the camera position?

in New Users
Hi all, after setting a scene up in the viewing port so that the figure is posed right, zoomed in right, etc, so that it's just as I want it, when I close down and re-open the figure has been zoomed out and camera angle changed back. How do I save a scene so it's saved exactly as I left it, please? Thanks!
The problem is that you are not using a Camera.
What you are seeing is the default Viewport setting for the Perspective view. To always have the same camera angle, go to the Create menu and create a new Camera, and use that to get the camera angle that you want. When you save your scene, that camera angle will be saved (unlike Perspective View)
The CAMERA position is saved. The Perspective view is not.
Make sure you set up a camera, and you are viewing the viewport through that camera.
Did you save a camera set to the view or just saved the perspective view?
Ohhhhhh!!! Of course! Thanks everyone, will set up a camera. Duh!! lolol!
Suggestion - Sometimes I forget that I"m in camera view, and start moving that around as if it were perspective.
WHen creating a camera AND I finally get a camera view/position that I want to use for the renders, I also create a pose preset for the camera. That way, if I move it around, I can "pose" the camera in my preferred position.
You can also lock the camera so it CAN'T move.
I learned this one the hard way (which is pretty much the only way I learn anything, actually!)
If you came from the Poser world, as I did, it's easy to simply assume that 'Perspective View' equates to 'Main Camera'; it does not. The 'Perspective View' in DAZ Studio is not a camera; it is simply a view into the scene, with various characteristics of a camera, including the ability to render the scene from that perspective.
However, if you want an actual camera, there is an easy way to accomplish that, without having to remember to create a 'scene' camera in every project: just tell DAZ Studio to do it for you!
Here's how:
From the main menu, select 'Edit', then 'Preferences'. Select the 'Scene' tab at the top of the window that appears. In the 'On "New"' group, set the check-box for "Create a Default Camera". Click "Accept" to save the change.
Henceforth and hereafter, every time you start a new scene (project), a 'Default Camera' will be added to the scene. It will be named 'Default Camera', but you can change that.
That 'Default Camera' will be created with the same parameter values as the Perspective View (X, Y, and Z positions, translations and rotations), but it is entirely independent of the Perspective View; you can wander around your scene with the Perspective View all you want, but the Default View will not change, unless and until you change it. And, since it is a scene object, it gets saved with the scene.
This has saved me so many hours of cussing and fuming, as I re-oriented the Perspective View back to where I wanted it...!