What is this??

I was rendering fine before updating today and now it starts rendering and quits and I get this error. D:\DAZDevel\Hudson\HUDSON_HOME\jobs\NB_Studio_Trunk\workspace\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(376): Iray [ERROR] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend error: No worker to render with: aborting render
I have a RTX 4080, all rendering is done by GPU, no CPU needed.
What is DazDevel??
Post edited by Jenkins3D on
Pls check the driver version of your 4080, and upgrade it to the latest driver (Studio version) in here: https://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us
Did that already, same thing. I want to know why there is an error pointing to a drive and directory that isn't on my computer. The display driver doesnt fix that.
The error message is a reference to the source file where the error happend to make it easier to find out what happend for support, it is not actually trying to find the file on your computer.
No idea why you get it, I never install updates for DAZ Studio until it has gone at least a week ;)
Looks like there are even _multiple_ issues with "HUDSON"? This is the third I find today after trying to use 4.22 ... I also updated latest NVIDIA drivers, that did not help. I opened a ticket for my similar problem, let's see what they say ...
I ran into this too. Went back to 4.21 for now but I'm sure this will be ironed out soon.
The oldest references to \DAZDevel\Hudson\HUDSON_HOME\ here on the forums are from 2012, no explanation in any of them. In one case reinstallation helped.
That seems a plugin SDK debugger...
Those are the paths on the dev system for the .cpp code file - as mikael-aronsson said, useful for the developers in seeing the xact source of the issue if it needs to be reproted to them but not relevaant to us as users.
So what is the fix, or when can we expect this issue to be patched?
Its not. As I said, it was working fine and there are others with this problem. Telling me its a way to see a source of a problem does not in any way explain why its happening.
Well, one idea would be to contact support and ask...
We need more information about what is being rendered, and yournsettings, before we can try to offer any advice.
After reading new comments about issues with OOT hair shaders causing crashes, I checked the model that I have issues with and would you believe she had OOT hair? I replaced the hair shaders and VIOLA! It now works! I would have NEVER known this from the error messages I was getting!