daz 4.22 fatal error

Hello everyone
I just installed daz studio 4.22 and I run a render and this is the message I get
I've read a lot of old posts but I'm not advanced
my drivers are up to date
and reinstalled an old version it's impossible, [dratted] daz
finally if someone can help me I thank them in advance because I am lost help

1920 x 1080 - 407K
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
This crash is caused by the custom shader on OOT hairs. See this thread for more.
thank you for your quick reply
actually one of the characters had hair which was compatible with studio 4.21
the solution that I obtained and deleted this hair and found another compatible with 4.22 and I was able to restart the rendering without problem
I would like to point out that two other characters who have hair compatible with old versions of Daz Studio do not pose a problem
I thank Zicon for the link you gave me which correctly explains that the problem only comes from OOT hair and that we must wait for an update from them
I might be saying something stupid
what is annoying is that you buy an asset and when a new version of the software comes out you have to buy this same asset to obtain compatibility
in any case thank you for your help Zicon
I tested quite a few OOT's hair, could not reproduce the crash issue. 1st make sure you've installed the latest update of Madeline tails hair, 2nd install latest Studio driver.
How do you install? With Connect (installing though Daz Studio) it doesn't necessarily load the shard file that has the problem section from the current product, though it does seem to be fairly consistent in which it does load. If you used DIM then the order of instalaltion matters - if an unupated hair was installed after an updated hair then you will end up with a bad version of the file.
I thank you for your response
but I am still going to ask for your help because my problem concerns a good part of my hair collection and I cannot find an update and the only solution that I have found is to eliminate the hair which makes me stuck daz from the scene and found a substitute by replacing the hair with something else that works
I tell myself that I made a mistake by having installed 4.22 in the 4.21 folder, an error that I would do again
but it's like the hair update 4.21 is not found or I searched badly
Thanks for your help
You just need to seelct the hair in the Scene, select the hair (and cap etc. as needed) in the editor tab of the Surfaces pane, and remove any map assigned to Transmitted Colour. But if you are using DIM installing an updated hair (check the readmes) will make sure you have the fixed version - as long as there is not an older version in another content directory.