Can someone identify this character for me? Please

in The Commons
I've been looking for a while and I cannot find this character or a Mat to match him. Please if anyone knows - I would love to buy him for a novel character I wish to use to illustrate.

426 x 570 - 369K
Pic from
He's lovely, isn't he? I wanted him too.
I say he is a custom.
The skin is part of the free genesis 9 Starter Essentials, based on the freckles (09 Masculine Skin 02 MAT). Eyebrows Fiber Style 8 with the black applied out of the genesis 9 Starter Essentials.
Base head shape is Michael 9, but it's been tweaked or combined with another character. (I don't have a morph ket that can achieve that mouth, that's for sure). Not sure which stubble. I think they eyelashes are swapped out. Eye materials from the product, but I used Joise's in this test render.
That was as closest as I could get quickly, but I haven't fiddled too much with Michael 9's headshape.
I want those lips!
Thank you so much! Me too! Hahahaha