Daz Central is going away. As a Daz Central user what does this require of me?

I just saw a notification within Daz Central that it is being discontinued and they are transitioning to the Enhanced Install Manager on Nov 15th. Can anyone provide more information on this? What is required by a Daz Central user when this happens?

My first thought was I need to uninstall everything I have installed through Daz Central and reinstall through IM. Is this needed? It will be a lengthy project considering the size of my library so I thought I would ask before I begin.

Thanks in advance for your help!


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842

    You shouldn't have to reinstall anything.

    Install Manager and DazCentral are built on the same core, and they know what you have installed by looking in a "manifest" folder which stores an utility file for each product which was installed.

    So Install Manager will be able to detect everything you have installed with Central as long as you tell it where the "manifest" folder Central used is, and it you left it in default place, it should look in the right folder automatically. You might also need to adjust the settings in DIM to tell it where DS was installed and add an install path to your content directory. But there's a good chance those will be retrieved automatically from your Central settings.

  • Install maanger will pick up the path settings from daz central (and vice versa) so there should be no need to update paths (unless you want to change them).

  • Oh good! I'm glad to hear that. Thank you so much for your help Leana and Richard!

  • Hi,

    I also have a question, do we need to go on the Daz 3d website and download the daz install manager or reinstall the desk studio software from the website? and also would the DIM replace the daz central automatically after install or is that something we'll have to uninstall ourselves?

  • Curious as to why Central was discontinued. It had its flaws but it was nice to be able to quickly view your assets and access them in DAZ. DIM is a good tool but....

  • From the email I got yesterday, I needed to Uninstall my content that was in my old manager and then Uninstall Daz Central. Then go to the Install Manager and go through the install process. Then load my content back using the new Manager.
  • jamesdavis373 said:

    From the email I got yesterday, I needed to Uninstall my content that was in my old manager and then Uninstall Daz Central. Then go to the Install Manager and go through the install process. Then load my content back using the new Manager.

    There should be no need to unisntall the content, DIM will see the records and path settings that were used in Daz Central.

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