Card vs fibre brows

in The Commons
I am somewhat biased against card brows and replace them with fibre brows instantly without trying them in a render.
What is your opinion, what are pros and cons?
Fiber, and SBH if available. I was once forced to make what amounts to SBH eyelashes. The downside is the increased overhead caused by the poly count; the upside is greater accuracy and realism.
Fibre brows always look too thick to me.
Just adjust the shader and the opacity to give them a softer look
I always use fiber and have goitten pretty efficient at erasing them if the texture doesn't have a no brow option
Yes, blonde or light brows in particular usually need adjusting for translucence or the like - the drawback of settings that just chnage the base colour.
I use fibre brows but that are too thick (the individual hairs), too sparse, and the shaders materials too monotone.The ones I do use allow for a lot of shapes and positrioning to make up for that though.