What is the best method to move multiple object at the same time

I tried group and null.
But sometimes when things get put in a group, their location suddenly change.
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I tried group and null.
But sometimes when things get put in a group, their location suddenly change.
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To prevent that, wait until you want to group them - select both (or all) and then Create New Group, rather than making a group and dragging into it.
Sometimes I realize after I group things that I need to add something else. If that isn't working out well, I select the original group and the thing I want to add, and Create New Group.
Both Group and Null are great ways to move multiple objects together.
Remember to check "Parent Items in Place".
You an select the items, without grouping them, then in the tool Setings pane check Secondary Nodes and enable the trasnforms you wish to apply to all - whatever you do (using the Viewport transform tool) to the primary selection will also be done to the other selected nodes (around their own centres, in the case of scaling and rotation, so this doesn't cover all situations).
I can't move them, they just stay at place.
Where is that?
It seems put a group in a group what makes things doesn't work.
If you put them in a group, you have to move the group.
Thanks for this new method, I learn something new about Daz almost every day from trial, error and these forums.
As below - hamburger menu ~~
And, Group(s) in Group (nested groups) is frequently used, no problem at all, H.Pose Preset supportive as well.
Yup ~ a couple of ways could be used as per your need. A benefit of using Group / Null is that you may save Hierarchical Pose Preset for a group of items...
LOL! I use that so much I can't remember if that's checked by default or if it just stayed that way after I first started using it. I am Constantly grouping stuff. I try to keep a nice and clean Scene pane - easy to manage and use.
Difference between using a group and a null object is that one can hide everything within a group by hiding the group, hiding the null object doesn't hide the items parented to it.
...but as long as you Ctrl + Click that "Eye" icon beside the Null.
A benefit of a Null after being clicked to Hide, is that you can individually unhide sub-item(s) under the Null, while you cannt do so with a Group, i.e. Parent is hidden , all sub-items must be hidden...