Sub-D Back & Forth: DAZ & ZBrush

I know that I have to export a model at Base Resolution to work on it in ZBrush, with the intent to bring it back to DAZ as a Morph Target. Once in ZBrush, however, can I subdivide the model to add detail, then go back to Base Res and return it to DAZ with the goal of picking up that added detail when the model is returned to full DAZ-native resolution?
Technically you certainly can do that and bring back the morph target back to the figure...but you'll lose the sculpted details at the same time...
Daz Premiere Artists are granted an "HD Morph" plugin for Studio, which is needed for this.
Yep ~~ the only way that can create "genuine HD morphs"... BTW, Published Artists..
Not sure what you are asking, but as long as its base res you can send it back and forth to Daz.
If you have high res version in Zbrush, you can bake that to displacement map to use on your figure in Daz (subdivided in Daz) to get the high res details.
Sorry, I did my best to be as clear as possible! lol
Is there a tut (in ENGLISH), video or text, that would show me how to apply such a map to a figure model inside DAZ? Can I even export such a map from ZBrushCORE? Or maybe Blender?
They changed it back again?
I was a Published Artist, then they changed it to Premiere Artist....
I've seen no change there: -
Ahh, got it ~ Starting from the 1st tuotrial product, that's the Premiere, then Published...then...
As far as I'm aware, it's not a plug-in per se: their version of Morph Loader Pro just lets them import subdivided meshes, while ours doesn't.
I've seen PAs' workflow. That IS a multi-resolution plug-in which can be loaded in Morph Loader Pro of the same version as ours...