Show Us Your Bryce Renders!



  • SylverdaliSylverdali Posts: 198
    edited December 1969

    yep i get I that, Savage thanks

  • LordHardDrivenLordHardDriven Posts: 937
    edited December 1969

    "Lair"............... tried to give this image an old world feel

    I'm not sure about old world feel but I definately get the feel of Fantasy art such as produced by Frank Franzetta or Boris, the only thing missing is a scantily clad woman. Nice work.

  • LordHardDrivenLordHardDriven Posts: 937
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Dave, I'm glad you enjoyed it! According to Dan, in this thread there are ways around the issues with newer Mac's and indeed that PC Bryce will run faster on Mac's than Mac Bryce would because of the way the multicore processors are addressed.

    Yes, I've thought more than once about getting a Windows emulator to run some software not available for Mac, but people I've known in the past who've had to do that have always had serious problems. Not insurmountable ones but ones that certainly took a lot of time to solve. Still, by the time I've got around to investing in a new computer, maybe the boffins at Daz will have brought Bryce into a new dev cycle... we can hope.

    Meanwhile, struggling on with my snails pace rendering, I've had another look at the shoreline scene I set up yesterday while following your tutorial and after altering it a lot and tweaking lots of stuff in it, so it didn't look so much like a bad copy of your excellent render, I ended up with this... which I think is good enough to post.

    It very much reminds me of the beach at Bude and I even put in some volumetric clouds of the sort I remember so well from my many days spent on that beach over the years... You'll laugh when I tell you that on the 'Regular' render setting, this took over 4 hours to render. I originally let it do one pass on "Super' set at 64RPP and it estimated it would take 3 days and 6 hours or thereabouts. :ohh:

    Nicely done, I can definately see David's influence compared to your other work.

  • SylverdaliSylverdali Posts: 198
    edited December 1969

    @LordHardDriven LOL love the comment well guess what my first image is not scantily clad but its worth a look so i will post it i was not going to as the dragon pose is the same as in the "Lair" its even in the same cave but the light is coming from a different direction, also i find it very hard to get the skin tones correct in Bryce but i am always up for a challenge

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited August 2012

    This forum is somewhat temperamental with respect to actually letting me know if anyone's posted in a thread. Sometimes it does consistently and then other times, like this, it just can't be bothered. So having read about Dave's render I went back and had a look... yeah! Not that is good, very good. Although unless you are using some kind of premium effect or have applied a very regular high frequency material (and need to avoid moire) then I do not see any reason to employ a high level of RPP. You could enlighten me though?

    Anyway, yes Dave's render looks very good, helped by his eye for composition no doubt, but also the placement of the splashes is excellent too with respect to the waves. If I were going to offer one minor criticism that would be that (at least on this coast) the sky does not have that much blue in it. But maybe that has more to do with where I live...

    Post edited by David Brinnen on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    This forum is somewhat temperamental with respect to actually letting me know if anyone's posted in a thread. Sometimes it does consistently and then other times, like this, it just can't be bothered. So having read about Dave's render I went back and had a look... yeah! Not that is good, very good. Although unless you are using some kind of premium effect or have applied a very regular high frequency material (and need to avoid moire) then I do not see any reason to employ a high level of RPP. You could enlighten me though?

    Anyway, yes Dave's render looks very good, helped by his eye for composition no doubt, but also the placement of the splashes is excellent too with respect to the waves. If I were going to offer one minor criticism that would be that (at least on this coast) the sky does not have that much blue in it. But maybe that has more to do with where I live...

    Yes I think it may have something to do with where you live, or maybe they have a filter on the lens when they take Photo's like this down at one of my fav seaside places. Have to admit I don't remember the sea and the sky being that colour last time I was there, but they do say the camera never lies.
  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited August 2012

    "They" say lots of things I don't believe, but yes beautiful images and invoking "artistic licence" gives us some lee way too.

    Edit... From the pencil sketch effect I've been trying to edge towards a more colourful "pointillistic" render style. All done in Bryce with render settings and filters in front of and around the camera.

    750 x 562 - 433K
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    Post edited by David Brinnen on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    At the moment I think i need some very large blue filters to cover my windows and thus cheer the colour of the sky up, although I am not certain what that would do to the low flying clouds that are partially concealing the next mountain over.

    BTW Dave (Savage) forgot to say I think you did a nice interpretation of David's tutorial.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,555
    edited August 2012

    @TheSavage - Dave, the sail boats look great. I also like the beach render. The splashes are very good. I'm less enthusiastic about the dragons.

    @chohole - I've seen that shipwrek render before. It still looks extraordinary.

    @silverdali - great dragon scene.

    @David - the centre one (third from top or bottom) is outstanding. I like the glow inside. The last one looks like rasterised as we know from old newspaper pictures. Interesting effect.

    Post edited by Horo on
  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Horo, yes I reckon on finding many avenues for potential effects to be explored by combinations of HDRI, TA and materials properties. The scene converter and spherical mapper are proving very handy tools in this for the efficient assembly of backdrops and light sources based on materials. Although, as you would point out, (the results) are not true HDRI, they do provide an interesting range of lighting options.

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969
    300 x 300 - 109K
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  • SylverdaliSylverdali Posts: 198
    edited December 1969

    David Brinnen I must try 1 of your tuts, your towers in the sky are very impressive love the clouds

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    Thank you Silverdali,

    The first image has clouds from here
    The second was from a scene I made provided with Bryce 7 Pro - so you should have that somewhere.
    The third image the clouds came from here

  • SylverdaliSylverdali Posts: 198
    edited December 1969

    David Brinnen I bought Bryce Pro 6 cloudscapes some time ago i don't even know where to look for the provided Bryce 7 Pro clouds never seen them are you talking about a tut or mats?

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    Today, spurred on by the shoreline tutorial, I have been playing further with the terrain editor to make and layer my own terrains (which then have the David Brinnen Pro Materials applied to make them look good).

    This is what I came up with, I'm rather pleased with the half frozen lake.

    1500 x 750 - 543K
  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    @silverdali, finding content seems to be something that is an ongoing issue - and I confess I'm not very good at it. Even worse with DS! But anyway, on the old forum I had a thread in which Horo - I think it was Horo - had carefully documented where the content is. I don't know myself. But I can tell you what to look out for and then maybe someone else can explain where it is installed (I've never installed it myself - there didn't seem much point really).

    There are the Pro Materials (500+ or so free materials I made) as kindly mentioned by Dave above - thank you Dave!

    And example scenes that I supplied for Bryce 7.0 Pro - cloud scenes

    Free content cloud over big sur 1.br7
    Free content Lincolnshire wind turbines 1.br7
    Free content millstone simplified 1.br7 (a version of the splash screen without Vicky)
    Free content R4 1.br7
    Free content scene to go with video tutorial modifying volumetric cloud materials 1.br7

    And example scenes that I supplied for Bryce 7.1 Pro - anisotropic scenes and HDRI

    Free content baubles1.br7
    Free content copper kettle1.br7
    Free content DVD+R1.br7
    Free content gold bars1.br7
    Free content rough cast metal1.br7

    Here are some of the scenes, for example,

    889 x 500 - 157K
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    600 x 338 - 75K
    450 x 600 - 176K
  • SylverdaliSylverdali Posts: 198
    edited December 1969

    David Brinnen thanks for all the great info but i have never seen any of this stuff i will do a search see what i come up with i can't figure why Bryce is so secretive about some of its great tools its not till some one mentions what's going on behind the scene, thats when i get excited and go on a hunt LOL

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    At some point I'm going to have to stop sitting up all night playing with Bryce.

    1000 x 500 - 245K
  • SylverdaliSylverdali Posts: 198
    edited August 2012

    @ Savage,oh wow this is magnificent waterfall the whole image in fact, i know what you mean i have had many a late night/morning Bryce is so addictive LOL

    @ David Brinnen well i have scanned my whole system searching for the content no luck *>(

    Post edited by Sylverdali on
  • SylverdaliSylverdali Posts: 198
    edited December 1969

    "huntress - blind" faith well this is the other dragon scene

    1215 x 909 - 696K
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,555
    edited August 2012

    @TheSavage64 - the half frozen lake looks very nice. The one above with the steps and the waterfall as well.

    @silverdali -the huntress is an excellent render.

    Content - where is the content? Content can be found where you have installed it to. This is a silly answer, I know, but that's how it is. You have usually the option to define a drive\folder. In my experience, the default is in the Bryce's main-folder, sub-folder Content. Under this folder, there are yet more, full of content. If the content is scene files, tutorials or HDRIs, etc, it really doesn't matter where they are - provided you find them also half a year after installation. If there are obp. bsk, mat, and such, they need to be imported into the appropriate library or, copied into the appropriate folder below the folder Presets, which is in the Bryce main folder.

    Post edited by Horo on
  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited August 2012

    Fantastic images, silverdali, Dave - though I confess I do favour landscapes - possibly because DS mostly refuses to let me have access to any models in Bryce.

    The content then... I've been looking. If you can't find it, it maybe because you've not installed it. It doesn't install with Bryce. I reset my downloads to test this and saw there were four files to install.

    See image.

    1 is Bryce
    2 is "goodies" some of which will be the scenes I mentioned above
    3 is Lightening for your render farm
    4 is Materials - the Pro Materials I supplied are here.

    If after trying that you still get no joy, I will summon Horo to help (oop he's already here... that's how long it takes me to post).

    But yes, it is well hidden, which is the reason I started the thread on the old forum - so people could find their free stuff. And whenever anyone asked, I just bumped it back to the top. But that doesn't happen in this forum.

    607 x 110 - 79K
    Post edited by David Brinnen on
  • SylverdaliSylverdali Posts: 198
    edited December 1969

    @ David Brinnen, I am speechless thanks for all the help it so comforting to know there people like and your great crew of helpers and friends are out there to help others, me I am no tech head so i fumble a lot before i succeed but that's the fun of Bryce it grabs you a does not let go so please bare with me if some of my questions seem strange. Now i have a question or 2 you have put up the Bryce Apps, I am thinking should i just reinstall everything again, i have never used lighting do i need it and will it speed things up? Will reinstalling effect Daz4 pro as in the bridge for exporting I know you said you don't have access to Daz but i thought i would ask anyway. Reinstalling may help me with my high resolution problem as well its still won't go the full 100% which is very annoying

    cheers and thanks Sylverdali

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    @ David Brinnen, I am speechless thanks for all the help it so comforting to know there people like and your great crew of helpers and friends are out there to help others, me I am no tech head so i fumble a lot before i succeed but that's the fun of Bryce it grabs you a does not let go so please bare with me if some of my questions seem strange. Now i have a question or 2 you have put up the Bryce Apps, I am thinking should i just reinstall everything again, i have never used lighting do i need it and will it speed things up? Will reinstalling effect Daz4 pro as in the bridge for exporting I know you said you don't have access to Daz but i thought i would ask anyway. Reinstalling may help me with my high resolution problem as well its still won't go the full 100% which is very annoying

    cheers and thanks Sylverdali

    Well... it might help... but before you dive in... you need to make sure you have a backup of your own presets. Bryce installer has a nasty habit of overwriting things you didn't want overwriting. So be aware of that. Also you could check your version number of your current Bryce to see if you need to update it at all. To find out the version number, goto Help > About Bryce... But make sure you are pinning down the Ctrl key when you click on About Bryce... and you should get a image like the one I will attach (that is the most up to date build number).

    As for lightening, Horo is the expert to advise you on that.

    And for getting DS to talk to Bryce, Rashad Carter is the master.

    Of course we help where we can, Bryce is our hobby and for Bryce to advance everyone using Bryce has to advance otherwise we would all still be rendering shiny balls over infinite water planes (and don't let anyone who has used Bryce pretend they haven't done that!).

    464 x 362 - 144K
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Of course we help where we can, Bryce is our hobby and for Bryce to advance everyone using Bryce has to advance otherwise we would all still be rendering shiny balls over infinite water planes (and don't let anyone who has used Bryce pretend they haven't done that!).

    And they were pretty ... ;)
  • LordHardDrivenLordHardDriven Posts: 937
    edited December 1969

    @Silverdali I see you've added a scantily clad woman so yes now it really looks like something from Franzetta or Boris. :)

    @TheSavage64 It's got to be even tougher to tell yourself to stop playing with Bryce and go to bed when you keep producing such nice resulst as the half frozen lake or the scene with the rope bridge.

    Well here is another picture. This one is from what were called BCF's or Bryce Companion Files. Basically the BCF's were incomplete scenes with instructions on how to complete them by importing whatever product they were associated with. In this case the product was the A.M.S. RT-05 Mech The idea basically was to make Bryce a more appealing option to people who previously only used Poser or Studio by showing them how it could work with Poser/Studio content. That bryce didn't have to be this thing that mostly just created landscapes. I'm particularly pleased with this one in that when Bryce was upgraded to 7 Pro this particular problem didn't import properly and when reported to Daz as a bug they more or less said it was unfixable. Yet recently the old files were updated to the newer installers and made to work with newer versions of Studio and now it imports into Bryce 7 Pro properly. The first picture here shows the completed BCF scene if you just follow the directions. The second picture is the same scene but I attempted to make it look a little better by replacing some of the textures (cockpit glass, guns and some of the leg assemblies) with Bryce materials. I also changed the material used for the terrain with one (found in materials under contributing artists) by David Brinnen. I think it ended up looking a little better but it still doesn't have as much of a real look as David gets with his renders.

    800 x 446 - 121K
    800 x 446 - 118K
  • SylverdaliSylverdali Posts: 198
    edited August 2012

    @David Brinnen, LOL shiny balls and an infinite water plane that was my first render and i thought i was the bee's knees, Ok i have checked and it say's what's in your info say's above so i guess its up to date yer

    @LOrdhardDriven, i must say your user-id is a mouth full pardon the pun, your render looks updated, but i like your first attempt better i don't know it has a real raw feel about it. ouch sorry i hope i am not being to harsh

    Post edited by Sylverdali on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited December 1969 File/Folders and Contents

    On the old Bryce Forum links, you can see four images of the above files/folders/sub-folders...etc., that David is referring to (see -- second-most post from the bottom in link). Might be of use to you for referral purposes.

    Love the bridge/waterfall scene...very nice.


  • LordHardDrivenLordHardDriven Posts: 937
    edited August 2012

    @David Brinnen, LOL shiny balls and an infinite water plane that was my first render and i thought i was the bee's knees, Ok i have checked and it say's what's in your info say's above so i guess its up to date yer

    @LOrdhardDriven, i must say your user-id is a mouth full pardon the pun, your render looks updated, but i like your first attempt better i don't know it has a real raw feel about it. ouch sorry i hope i am not being to harsh

    No not harsh at all. :) You're just talking about how it feels to you. As for my username feel free to abbreviate it to LHD if that's more comfortable to you. :)

    Post edited by LordHardDriven on
  • SylverdaliSylverdali Posts: 198
    edited December 1969

    LHD I am not a prude I am ok with your ID its a great ID LOL LordhardDriven, I am really enjoying this thread lots of help and guidance

This discussion has been closed.