Custom shortkeys / scripts or something like that

I realize that I constantly do the same steps again and again. For example when using iray preview in the viewport I go to render settings and reduce the max samples to 50 and when I actually render a scene I increase this setting again. This is something I do and redo all the time. Or when I reset the pose for parts of the body I want to select a parent bone, all children and then zero the pose. To do that I need to choose the parent bone, go to scene navigator, right click > "Select children" and then I can right click again on the parent bone and choose "Restore selected item(s) pose" (although it's just restoring, no zero, but okay).
So my question is: a) can I add something on the little menu which show up when I select a bone in viewport (the menu under the icon of a man in T-pose diretcly close to the selected bone)? Something to have just one click and then all children are selected and poses restored? and b) is there away to change the max samples value in the render settings only by a shortcut or script or something? I think it is possible to save render settings and maybe switch between them (question: is it possibile to load a render setting by shortcut?) but I don't want this: I actually just want to change this single value and this in a way I might not need to open the rendering tab and looking for this value again and again.
a) There's no option for Reset context menu in Layout settings where you can add your custom actions. But actually you can just add a shortcut to Select Childeren and Restore Selected Item(s) Pose, only one click + 2 times' shortcuts pressing, pretty quick.
b) Certainly. For instance, you save two Render Settings Preset files, one for 500 max sample, one for 5000 max samples but be noted that just select Max Samples node when you save Render Settings presets ! Create two custom actions for these 2 preset duf files, and assign a shortcut to each of them in F3, e.g. assign Ctrl + R + 1 for the 1st preset, Ctrl + R + 2 for the 2nd preset. With these keys combination, you may add shortcuts for quite a few Presets...
Thank you for these tipps. I was able to achieve all that and I'm sure it will help me to save time during my work!
That's great ! My pleasure