4.22 and OOT hairs crashing

I have say three OOT hairs classic bob, Leony and liv hairs (there are more but lets stay focused) but this happens to them all.
Imagine one day I render a scene with 4.21 works great! and I think I know ill upgrade to 4.22! then I click render and crash in the space of 30 mins my scene no longer works the only change was the 4.22 update
The crash is being caused by the transmat image in the hairs, and deleting it and will make the scene render.
Now checking the hairs with connect and DIM shows no update available with the latest date being back in january this year.
SO how do i fix this (there hads been deleting and reinstalling of the hairs but the problem persists.
I did update the app and the essentails using DIM I am asking again as I got no answer before
I assume you have this https://www.daz3d.com/leony-wet-and-dry-ponytail-hair-for-genesis-3-and-8-females
And in the readme is
Resolved Issues
2023-01-24 - Updated shader to fix a rendering issue with updated Iray.
Try to reinstall that hair (you might have installed the update previously), as it should fix all your hairs, as they are using the same shader. So the last hair installed is the deciding.
Pls check the steps I wrote in the last post : https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/656961/4-22-crashes-when-rendering#latest
This is discussed in both the beta and release threads