Scroll to morph

Is there a way to scroll to a morph in the Parameters pane by script?


  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923

    Is there a way to invoke the search of the Parameters pane perhaps? What even is the class name of that pane, is there any way to find out?

  • Bear in mind that anything you find in the pane actions that isn't documented is subject to change without notice. Sorry, I don't know of a supported way to do this though the Interactive Tutorials do seem to be able to something of the kind.. What are you wanting to achieve?

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923

    A way to scroll to a specific morph, basically, or thereabouts. I'm just noticing I'm scrolling to the same places a lot. Say I have G9 selected, scroll to expressions, dial an expression. Select something else, select G9 again. The list is reset and I'm back to scrolling around, navigating to Pose Controls etc., or searching for the specific morph. Just dreaming up some way to get their much faster.

  • You could add them to favourites (heart icon on the slider), as long as you don't need to use the Geometry Editor to remove vetices from a morph (which relies on favourites for targeting - though as long as you didn't save modified assets but only the morph being edited that wouldn't be too bad). You will need to save a character preset after setting favourites and use that to load the figure in future, if there is a persistent selection you want to have access to in all cases.

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923

    Yeah that's still not ideal. If I just wanna get to where the expressions are, but not use a particular expression for example.

    What are these morph dials anyway? DzFloatProperty? DzFloatPropertyWidget? Say a morph is called "morph 1", how would I get to that in script?

  • See here formhandling properties ; - remember that morphs are modifiers for the shape/geoemtry.

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923

    Morphs are modifiers but the widgets that set them with the slider are properties? I seem to be a bit confused about that.

  • Use the modifier's getValueChannel to get the property that controls it.

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