Problems Using Sickleyield's Aiko 3 Clone

I'm probably doing something wrong, but I can't get these clones and templates - - to give me a good, undistorted result with a longer, wider skirt. I'm trying to adapt this set - - for G8, and no matter which template I use, the skirt becomes heavily distorted down the middle front. The body handles as well. The only way to keep it pristine is to NOT use the Aiko 3 clone and let Autofit do the job instead, but this puts the skirt way too low on G8's hip. I've tried basically all the skirt templates that are available with the set. Does anyone have a clue what I'm doing wrong? Help would be much appreciated!
I doubt you can get an automatic conversion if that skirt which would pose properly, you'd most likely have to edit the weights.
If I were to use it on a recent figure I'd try parenting it to the figure after manually positioning it, rather than fitting it to the figure.
Thanks, I will definitely try that (the parenting)!
Still, I'm wondering why I'm getting such bad results when the clone set contains these extra templates that are made for just these kinds of skirts/dresses. It's basically why I bought it, you know. I usually get good results with Sickleyield products, so that's why I feel I must be doing something wrong.
Those templates are for a normal skirt, where the drapage is along the lines of the leg. That dress, however, is a ballerina dress which has an abnomal drapage in that it is meant to stick out on the sides like an umbrella and not follow the course of gravity. As such, it doesn't fit the parameters that the template was designed for. As Leana noted above, youl probaby get better results simply manually fitting the dress, though I'd actually suggest going a step further and applying the dress twice, ie: first, apply it once using SY's clone so that the top fits the body snuggly, then hide the lower half of that version and fit a second version manually with the upper portion of the outfit hidden. If the two versions of the outfit are using the same textures, the join between the two shouldn't be that noticeable.
Thank you a bunch for that explanation! That makes a lot of sense. I'll be sure to try the manual fitting like I said, just hadn't found the time yet.
In case someone is wondering whether to get these clones, apart from this very specifix dress issue, they work really well!
That tutu is a "unique skirt" which is usually not covered in any Clone product as templates... You can make the template by yourself, but it may not be necessary just for the need of one-time conversion... Yes, in most of the cases, Clone products work well.
From memory (been a while since I last played with that outfit) the skirt and bodysuit of the outfit are separate pieces, so you could autofit the bodysuit part and parent the skirt. Your advice is good for outfits with only one piece though.
Again, thanks for your advice everyone! And yes, the outfit is in two parts, conversion works pretty well for the leotard. I'll try the manual parenting of the skirt tonight and see how that goes. It does have body handles, so I should be able to pose it even if it's not fitted to anyone.
Hello, I *may* have made a video on this years ago, but there are two simple fixes to this: the first is to pre-adjust the skirt and updating the geometry prior to fitting, or to create a secondary clone but alterations to the legs so that the bottom part of the skirt does not scrunch up after the fit. This is similar to making a Genesis Female clone instead of the generic Genesis clone because of the distortions around the chest area.
The third way is to manually adjust, update geometry, then fit as an unsupported item.
Thank you, 3rd way sounds best to me atm, I will try that. Got caught up in another render project today, so the Degas set will have to wait till tomorrow. I'll post results! Thanks so much again everyone for helping.
Huh, actually on closer look, I'm finding that the clone doesn't work well for the leotard either, it's also very bumpy in the front, on the lower rib cage. The original is smooth. Turning on smoothing doesn't help at all. Am attaching pic. Does anyone have an idea what could be going on with this outfit? I've used 'Aiko 3' as supported figure and then 'non-dress A3' for the item shape.
Okay, just to wrap this up for someone who might stumble across the same problems later on: I couldn't get the Sickleyield clone to work properly. In the end, I resorted to converting the outfit with a very old program called Clothes Converter 4 (available here as well) from Aiko 3 to Vicky 4, which went really well. From then on, I could use the RSSY converter from Generation 4 to Genesis 3 which I had anyway, and then of course I will fit to G8 or G9 in the end.
The hint by @mtl1 to adjust and then update geometry as needed in between steps was worth its weight in gold by the way! RSSY converters always make the clothes a bit too large, and with adjusting that and then updating, I'm getting the oversize out of the clothing for good before doing the final fitting to G8. Thanks again for that, and to the others as well!