Floating hair on export!

Why does this keep happening!? A whole month I've been dealing with this!
If I click "Fit to" the hair goes up in the air!
If I don't click "Fit to" the hair sits normal, but after exporting (as .fbx) and loading into Blender or UE5, it's floating in the air again!

fb d.png
827 x 1048 - 253K
Post edited by sgvsfgs13f on
Is it hair made for the figure from a store or freebie, hair made by you for the figure, or hair converted from another figure?
The hair came from a (ripped) videogame character that someone converted over to Daz.
OK, first you need to make sure that your use is covered by the license of the game.
Assuming that it is, or for future reference, The hair and figure need to line up when zeroed - if the hair is importing up in the air and you are moving it into place then that will not be seen when rigging it, unless you first export as a new OBJ and then reimport to nake the modifications in (making sure you use the same preset in both directions, to avoid any additional scaling).
I tried the "export as .obj" thing before, and it just causes more problems later. But I finally figured out what to do... Convert the figure/hair to a prop.