huge disadvantage of the 4.22 Scene management

Following Procedure on pre 4.22 Scenes:
Having a charcter asset.dsf file, that needs to be fixed in a scene.
Creating an updated character asset.dsf with the same name, replacing the old file.
When ever I opend a scene with the updated *dsf-file, the asset parameter got automatically dialed in.
With the new Scene managment, this does not happen anymore.
Every scene, that was refering to the old Asset*dsf file, now has the dial zeroed, instead of dialed in.
How does DAZstudio even know, that this Asset.*dsf is not the same, when names, storing locations, and parameter values are exactly the same as before.
To me, who is constantly updating my custom *dsf files, this is highly annoying, because it means, that scenes with previous versions of that dsf files are now broken.
I have to go into those scenes and have to dial in these parameters one more tim and re-save the scene.
2.22 works fine so far, but this scene behavior is a deal breaker.
I am not sure what you mean here.
Have you set a Default value on the newly-created property with 4.22 ?
Even if there's a new feature in the latest 4.22 that DS will set a unique urI for the property you create, if you set the values correctly and overwrite the old dsf file with the same location / path / file name, the cache will be updated with no problem, and your old scene will correctly load this new property with the right value.
We ever tested quite a few cases in previous PB version with this "new feature", haven't found any critical issue...
... and I just don't know how to describe it any better.
Updated morph asset dsf files do not load in scenes.
For example:
Having a character, with a morph asset stored *.dsf in a data path.
>Saving the scene with this morph dialed in at 100%.
>replacing the morph asset with a reworked *.dsf file with the exact same name in the exact same path.
>Reopening the scene.
DAZ Studio 4.21:
The scene loads with the replaced morph asset dialed in at 100%.
DAZ Studio 4.22
The scene loads with the replaced morph asset dialed in at 0%.
Couldn't reproduce the issue no matter updating / saving morph asset with 4.21 or 4.22. Actually if you just dial a 100% on the property and save Morph Asset, there'll be nothing changed in the original dsf file, unless you set a default value there in Parameters Settings.
that's how it used to work in 4.21, but it is now broken in 4.22
Are you sure you don't have another content directory with an older copy of the morph, or saved in a different path in their common content directory?
Yes, absolutley sure. Checked it repeatedly.
May try clear DSON cache and see if it works. And before clearing cache, open *.cache.dsf... search if there're multiple cached dsf files, if there're, it's at least one of the culprits...
where do I find *.cache.dsf..."?
Paste this path to your File Browser : %appdata%\DAZ 3D\dson\cache\data\Daz 3D\
Show hidden files beforehand...
I don't see how anything in there could be the reason for this problem.
It started with 4.22 update, so something in the way scenes are handled now in 4.22 must be causing it.
Could the problem be rooted in my installation path?
I never install into C-drive.
I have mine installed on another drive, I still have C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\dson\cache sitting there. Thats for win11 though, don't remember if 10 and 7 was any different
I asume, this will go nowhere...
The cache location can be set, and the cache cleared, in Edit>Preferences (Daz Studio>Preferences on a Mac).
I have not tried it, according to Google hitting "F2" in Daz clears the cache.