Won't animate

Hi, was trying to animate a ball and a person, and when i click on the play button nothing happens. I am using the newest version of Daz.  I updated all my drivers in my PC.

I tried a couple of times turning the PC on and off, but it still will not animate.

Is there some setting in Daz that I need to change?



  • In the panes option menu is Play All Frames unchecked? What happens if you waggle your mouse around? There seems to be an issue, at least for soem users, with playback with Play All Frames  off.

  • I just tried unchecking Play All Frames and turning Play All Frames back on and it still won't animate. If I conatantly move the mouse around it will play as long as i am constantly moving the mouse.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    This issue has already been reported by barbult... the fix seems still pending

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