Rendering has slowed down with new update

Is it me or does rendering takes longer now that before the update? In the past I had the Max Samples set at 200 and turned off Rendering Quality. But now it seems to take 2-4 times longer than normal. Another thing I noticed was an improvement, I don't need the Max Samples set that high. It seems to finish improving with a setting of 50, after that time I see no changes while it's rendering past that setting, but it still takes longer. Even rendering with a HDRI scene is longer.
Another problem I've been having whenever DAZ 'updates' the program is I lose items I've bought. For instance I have barrels that now only appear as grey squares. I usually get a message saying Daz can't find files. Don't know what's going on there.
There have been several coments along those lines in the release thread , which is a better place for the discussion.