Grace Kelly head/face morph for V4?

in The Commons
(Yes, I still use good old V4!) I seem to remember that there was at one time a face morph - either in a package available through the D3D store (Hollywood something?) or a freebie. Does anyone remember anything like that? I know about AOBB's "Princess" morph for G8.1F, but that's not what I'm looking for unless it can be adapted to V4. Failing a specific morph, is there another existing morph that looks enough like her that it can be dialed to a decent resemblance?
I'm thinking Claudia would work as a Grace Kelly but she would need a couple of beauty spots on her face removed via a 2D program and then the upper lip smaller and the lower lip raised in the middle.
I haven't checked out Rendo yet so I'll holler if I find one there