How do I set center of rotation in UV editor?

Carrara is making the UV map upside down. Other times I have been successful selecting it in the model room, switching to UV editor, pressing the rotate toolbar button, and rotating the map. But in this case the center of roation is somehwere outside in the street and it only rotates about 4 degrees within the monitor window. I tried changing the working box various ways but it didn't seem to make a difference. Is there some way to change the center of rotation that I cant figure out? 


  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    The centre of rotation should be automatically set to the middle of your object selection / island.

    If the centre sems way. way off,. try pulling the view back to see if any vertices have been accidentally moved.

    Also try using the "Fit UV's" option in the "Operations" tab.

    Note that the "fit UV" option is an automatic all vertices into the UV grid, thing,. which may not be what you want.

    if none of those options help,. a Pic of what you have.

    Hope it helps  :)

  • YofielYofiel Posts: 204
    edited November 2015

    Thank you) What I found was one point on another polygon in the same shading domain had for some reason got its vertex way off the screen, somewhere on the other side of the next side over at normal zoom. When I zoomed way out to find it, I got a message "an error has occurred." I put the point back in the little square area, saved, reopened, and when I got to the UV editor again, the rotation worked like expected. I try using the 'fit UVs' but the building I am working on has very irregular shapes. Whenever I modify a vertex, it can end up way off the UV map, but the error doesnt show up until after the file is reopened. 

    Is there any way to get points to align on the grid in the UV editor? In the vertex editor, it says to select something by a point rather than by handles when scaling to get it aligned on the grid, but as one only selects points anyway, that doesntseem possible. 

    Post edited by Yofiel on
  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    HI Yofiel

    one point on another polygon in the same shading domain had for some reason got its vertex way off the screen

    . Try using "detach polygons" to avoid moving other connected vertices, or create seams and unwrap more complex models.

    Although your model may be split into sections , they're still connected,..  if you select one vertex, on one section of the model,.., that vertex is also part of another section,.. which usually highlights in a dark red, (partially selected) so,. It's possible to move connected vertices on another UV section accidentally.

    If you use selection functions such as "Loop" then it's easy to unintentionally select those vertices and move them along with the edge you wanted to move,


    Is there any way to get points to align on the grid in the UV editor?

    You can select and scale a line of vert's and edges to align them...... Use the Right click tools menu to change between Scale,. Move, Rotate  etc

    There's an option in the UV (Display) tab, to "show split handles" which shows the handles for each selected vertex,'s usually Off,'s not needed and complicates the view,.. I'm not sure if the manual is referring to those handeles or the main Scale hndels on the Scale gizmo in the model view,. either way you're correct,.. you work with the points (vertices) in the UV grid. not handles.

    Hope that makes sense


  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    One last thought,. ..rather than rotating the UV map to fit the texture map orientation,..

    there are options in the Shader room (for texture maps) which allow you to reorient the image by turning at 90 degrees jumps, or Flipping the image  Vertically / Horizontally


  • YofielYofiel Posts: 204

    Well thanks for the help! I have to ask a more complicated question, I will start a new thread for it. 

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