Dforce finishes before it should - dforced blanket still "floating"

I have a blanket that I want to place hanging over a opened van's door. So place the blanket horizontally over this opened door and start simluation. The problem is that dforce simluation stops before the blanket really hangs on this door: parts of the blanket are still floating in the air unnaturally. Instead I want the blanket to hang on this door. I've tried tweaking the simulation settings but all I can achieve that the whole simluation runs slower or faster, for example by changing FPS Multiplier, Subframes and Iterations per Subframe. These settings seem to be the only ones which contribute to the time the simluation runs but they don't chnage this problem: The simlation finished just before the blanket really rested. Can somebody help me?


  • Are you using a single frame or an aniamtion? Adding more frames to the play rnage is one way, incerasing the Stabilisation Time is another. The subframes and iterations are useful to avoid explosions when dealing with dense or inflexible meshes, but they don't actually increase the time taken - just the size of the steps.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    No matter you use current frame or animated range with timeline, you can add some Initilization Time for "pre-draping". Also make sure you have set proper values on dyanamic surfaces.

    Here's an example from one of my tutorial, simulation with a "blanket" and a cylinder, which were made from Daz primitives. It's a current frame simulation. I just bent the cylinder a bit, like a curve from a van door... You may check the settings there.

    Just ignore the warning message if you don't have the shader product that I used when you open the scene file.

    2560 x 1400 - 989K
    dForce Blanket Example - A0.duf
  • Thank you guys... actually increasing the initialization time did it!

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