Synchronizing multiple lights or emissive surfaces in a prop

I needed to create a 'modeling/shopping' prop - a three-fold lighted mirror (full length) - and it seems to have come out nicety (side mirrors angles can be changed, too). It has a total of 13 light sources around the 3 segments of mirror (think of a brass ring around a translucent plastic cover with light underneath). Attached image gives a better idea than I can describe. (Not fully rendered but it makes the point.) Right now, I have emissive surfaces on the sources. I'd really like to synchronize all the emitters with one control, rather than having to adjust all 13 one by one - which is a royal pain. Alternatively, would it be better to actually put a point light inside each little source assembly, and make a 'master light'? I'm thinking that in some situations, these surfaces might provide a little extra fill light to help scenes - but not if they're a royal PITA to configure.

Select them all and save them as a Light Preset for the mirror?
If you make the lights a single surface they will sahre the settings, although you will not then be able to adjust them separately. To use Point Lights, assuming you want them parented, uee a Wearable preset for the mirror.
You also may create 12 Instances for a "source Bulb", arrange them by using Align plug-in. Then change the surface settings on the source Bulb, the other "bulbs" will follow... No need to use Point Light, Emissive lights are good enough.
Iray Light Manager PRO by V3Digitimes might help.