Solved - File Does Not Exist

So I am stuck on a little issue I don't know how to fix. I think I MIGHT know the hiccup but the solution is beyond me and I could really use some help.
I am using the new Studio 4.22 and Windows 11. and have been trying to install using the DIM to TRY to install stuff, but I keep getting the message that the "File does not exist" but when I right click and "browse to file location" it takes me straight to the file that isn't suppose to exist.
I noticed that the path in Windows 11 is: Users/Public/Public Documents
but the path in Studio goes to: Users/Public/Documents
I have tried to both change the folder itself to only "Documents" and have tried to set the Content manager to point it to "Public Documents"
but I can't do either. Any ideas??

/Public/Documents is the real name, /Public/Public Documents ios how it displays. Its the same location.
You clearly still have things recorded as installed through Connect (Daz Studio itself) as the Daz Connect virtual folder is not empty (it has a little triangle to expand it and show its folders). If the database says there is a Cobnnect isntall DS will try to load that, even if the files are not actually there - it will ignore the files that are there in the DIM install.
How do I get rid of it? I tried to delete the data file and my Daz Connect folder but it is still showing in Studio.
Deleting the file won't help, it removes the files (so DS can't find them) but not the database entries. Right-click on the affected product (the thumbnail in Smart Content or the container, folder, in the Products list in the Content Library) and select Uninstall to remove it from the database (this doesn't affect the files that were externally installed, nor their database entries).
Well.. It wasn't showing anything installed.
Everything just had empty triangles and exclaimation points.
I'm getting rid of everything and just starting over because I'm sure I broke stuff anyway.
I'm so good at breaking stuff!
On the upside... I'll probabally be an install genius
by the time I actually get my stuff into Daz Studio. LOL 
Thanks for your help Richard!
I am not an install genius yet.
*sigh* For anyone else that may stumble onto this information, I hope my ignorance helps someone else. So...
I began with an eager heart. Downloaded Daz Studio and saw an install tab right there within the pane next to old familiar content tab. I happily let Daz Connect install everything for me.
In hindsight, I would have just let that be the way things were because everything installed and worked just fine. But...
I couldn't find anything unless I went through the Product list. Nothing was showing up in my Content or Smart tabs, etc.
Nearly everyone told me to use the DIM. So I went back to the Install pane and uninstalled everything and tried to use the DIM, But...
I kept getting an error that said FILE DOES NOT EXIST.
So... I uninstallled and tried again. Same problem. Richard (kindly) informed me that Daz Studio still believed my content was installed via Daz Connect, but when I looked in the install tab, Everything was just triangles and exclaimation points. So... I uninstalled AGAIN. And reinstalled...
And everything was just as it had been before I started fresh again, still saying... FILE DOES NOT EXIST (UGH!!!) and the Install tab was still full of triangles and exclaimation points!
I looked at everything and saw that the PRODUCT list still had ALL the products listed in COLOR, but all the content in each folder was missing.
Now I'm physically deleting EACH of those Products (in color) thumbnails so I can actually "Uninstall" them completely... Going through each letter of the alphabet...and OMG I have over a thousand products, so this could take awhile. Good thing I have nothing else to do but lay on my back, huh?
I am hoping this actually clears it out. Wish I had just left it in the Daz Connect thing actually. But hey... In for a penny, in for a pound, eh?
Wish me luck. I'll keep anyone interested updated here.
Is your Daz Studio still logging into Daz Connect? If so, you really should not let it if you are installing via DIM. Trust me, I didn't know when I first started using Daz Studio 8 years ago and was installing everything via DIM and Connect. What a mess it turned out to be. Even when I stopped using Connect as an install option I occassionally logged into Daz Studio via Connect to let it update metadata. Bad, bad, bad all around. I wish Connect never existed. It's manual install or DIM for me.
How do I prevent it?
Don't let it automatically log in. I use Daz4.11 but I'm assuming the Menus are still same/similar. In the Connect menu the login is probably set to auto logon.
Thank you!
Thanks, Zippy! I'm trying to get everything figured out.